Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hellscape America!


(4-minute read) 

The MAGA World View

            America is coming apart at the seams! 

Did you know that? 

According to MAGA cult members we’re living in some kind of dystopian crime-ridden nightmare of a nation with hordes of criminals and insane people crossing our southern border to wreak havoc upon us.  Not our northern border.  Just the southern border.  Get it?  

The VAST majority of people living in the United States aren’t seeing or living in these kinds of conditions.  There are some inner-city ghettos where things are bad and a swath of economic depression through red states and Appalachia that have been that way for generations but the truth is that most Americans, including MAGA, aren’t. 

They claim…our cities are aflame with violence.  The truth of the matter is that violent crime and crime in general is going down following a surge during the Trump Administration.[1] [2]  The problem is that people don’t want to believe that.  Especially MAGA.  They choose to believe the worst.  That’s their vision.

They claim…the economy is in ruins.  Forget that the majority of economic indicators say the opposite.  Forget that the administration of President Biden dug us out of the pandemic hole and did so with a MAGA Congress opposing him every step of the way.  MAGA rejects all the information, graphs, history and economists that say otherwise.  If someone posts a link to information that shows accurate information MAGA claims just the opposite.  Biden’s numbers are < here >.[3]  Trump’s numbers are < here>.[4]  There are even comparisons between Biden and Trump that factor out 2020 and 2021.[5]  In fact, the United States economy is doing the best of world economies.[6] 

            MAGA posts and responses to posts are not reality based.  They will comment that the swamp needs to be drained.  Democracy is suffering and we won’t have one left if Harris and Walz are elected!  Trump will be the best president ever on women’s reproductive health issues.  Democrats steal elections.  These fantasies exist only in their conspiracy-ridden minds.

            And one last thing from MAGA. 

Bread is expensive

Bad news wins!

The problems we currently have are the problems that societies always have.  How those problems are dealt with is the real issue.  Who does a better job of dealing with crime, the economy, climate change, women’s rights, immigration, you name it and people are concerned to different levels.  Some, not at all.  Around 80 million Americans do not care enough to vote.[7]  Different reasons/excuses but in essence they don’t care enough to vote.  That level of non-voters is unfortunately stable election after election.

            Each of the issues mentioned in the previous paragraph breaks down into a multitude of sub issues.  Variations that make things even more complex.  Take inflation for example.  Inflation is just one measure of our economy.[8]  Economies are complicated here in the United States we have one that is mostly market-based.  Compared to how the world is recovering from the pandemic and various wars going on we are doing exceptionally well.  That is primarily due to the work of the entire administration of President Biden and the American consumer. 

Bread IS expensive.  We have bread in abundance in a multitude of varieties.  We can afford to buy bread.  (BTW my favorite sandwich is 2 pieces of white bread with mayo on both sides and a slice of bologna.  That’s my go-to for a sandwich.)  Bread is expensive, but is it solely inflation, or is it possible that greedy profiteers are taking advantage of us and inflating prices for their greater profit?  The answer is yes.  Excessive corporate profit taking is one of the factors driving inflation.[9] 

            MAGA, including Trump, have claimed economic victories from measures that they opposed.  Their cult believes them.  It doesn’t matter that other major economic indicators like those I referenced earlier are doing well and that more people are back to work, manufacturing jobs are returning, plants are being built, the stock market has hit all-time highs.  It doesn’t even matter that they, personally, are likely doing just fine.  MAGA, like they did in 2020, is predicting doom and the nation is coming apart. 

MAGA Republicans that tried to overturn the election and are busily banning books along with equality for all claim that Dems are the threat to Democracy.  The rapist felon Trump with his love of dictators and expressed interest in being one with the help of Project 2025 claims that Dems are the threat.  

In the meantime.

Bread is expensive.










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