Monday, September 2, 2024

White coat time for Trump


(2.5-minute read)

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Trump’s bonkers claims.

            The rapist felon Donald Trump made the below comments at the MAGA Moms for Liberty conference beginning at 38 minutes 16 seconds.[1]  I kid you not.  The women there ate it up.  Ate.  It.  Up.  They reveled in his fascist comments about immigrants as well. 

 "But, uh, the transgender thing is an incredible thing. Think of it. Your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation. The school decides what's going to happen with your child and you, many of these childs [sic] fifteen years later say 'what the hell happened who did this to me?'" Donald ‘Genius’ Trump

What planet are these people living on?!  It’s obvious that these people have NO idea what is taking place in school classrooms unless they think that school nurses have incredible amounts of expertise and medical equipment available in some secret room. 

            You know if President Biden had made a comment like this corporate media would have been calling for the 25th Amendment to be implemented.  At the very least his cognitive abilities would have been questioned if not his intellect.  Seriously, Trump’s statement is batshit bonkers.  Video clips of Biden would have gone viral.  I couldn’t even find a pull out clip of Trump making these ridiculous ignorant statements.  (Speaking of Biden, what happened to the whole age thing?  Now we don’t care anymore that an old, old man is running for President?)

            Moms for Liberty want the liberty of denying ALL children, not just their own, a well-rounded education.  They reject any knowledge that they don’t agree with just as they reject children that are different or have special needs.  MAGA wants children to be indoctrinated with their own dystopian world vision.  Equality is a threat to them.  Diversity outrages them.  They don’t want schools or the nation to be inclusive of others like immigrants/foreigners/brown kids that they claim are now poisoning our classrooms and the blood of our nation.  MAGA wants the liberty to have all children receive a Christian Nationalist education.

            The rapist moron Trump is now calling people defective.  He couldn’t pass his own muster.  Yes, the man that mocked a man with a disability and said that a disabled person might be better off dead has upped the ante for what his fascist administration will do if he’s elected.  He’ll get rid of defective people for MAGA because the President can do anything with his MAGA Supremes giving him immunity.

            Meanwhile Trump will go on telling people that children are having gender reassignment operations performed in public schools (the same public schools where teachers often bring their own supplies because the schools can’t afford them) and some people will go on believing him, a complete lack of evidence (and common sense) notwithstanding.  Unless men in white coats driving a van show up at Mar a Lago to take him someplace where he can get the mental care that he needs.

To the Funny Farm!

[1] Fox Moms for Liberty video,

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