Friday, July 22, 2016

Moderate becomes pejorative [Politics]

The words “moderate” and “compromise” have become pejoratives along with “liberal” and “conservative”. It’s become easy to categorize people into neat little niches with simple words and one-size-fits-all catch phrases, but it serves no purpose.
We’ve become a culture of extreme branding. Those that aren’t like-minded are demonized in terms that demean the accused’s humanity and the accuser’s as well. Our opposition can’t simply be guilty of having a different approach. They have to be evil incarnate. A change in law or policy that we disagree with must be portrayed as something that tears at the fundamental fabric of our society.
In the political arena, the polarized extremists are intolerant of their moderate colleagues even as they seek the votes of moderate in-betweens in order to get elected. When debating policy, they do not look for an acceptable middle ground through compromise. It’s all or nothing. A government of domination by the extremes can easily lead to a “tyranny of the minority” and the extremists don’t consider the alternatives to this uncompromising strategy if it fails. They ignore the wishes of the majority of the population which does not actually favor the extreme positions held by those on either the far right or the far left.
Extreme authoritarian power often ends with an extreme backlash in response where more is lost than was gained. We need to seek out and elect those who are willing to pick up the mantle of “moderate” and the practice of “compromise” before we have irreparably damaged our country.

Keith Thomas
(Written as a Letter to the Editor in July of 2012 and subsequently published in the Wichita Eagle.)