Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Laws are for little people [POLITICS]

       I saw the phrase “Laws are for little people” a lot during the campaign in regards to Hillary Clinton. The premise being that she was guilty as sin but not being prosecuted for her numerous crimes. The simple fact at this point is that she is/was not in fact guilty or she would have been charged already. Republicans have been after her for three decades and attempted several prosecutions to no avail. President Trump campaigned on throwing her in jail. Yet another campaign promise that he hasn’t delivered on.
       But this isn’t about Hillary Clinton. She’s yesterday’s news.
       There’s another old phrase about actions speaking louder than words. I don’t know how accurate that is because President Trump, our President, not only talks and tweets like a guilty man, he acts like a man who is guilty. He’s trying his best to shut down any investigation into his activities. He is operating under the delusion that the President can do anything, is above answering to anyone and is above the law. At times he says that he’s been found not guilty.
       We’ve seen this before. President Richard “I am not a crook” Nixon conducted himself in much the same fashion. He resigned from office rather than be prosecuted. President Gerald Ford promptly pardoned him. Laws are for little people.
        President Johnson also claimed that the press lied. We have since learned that not only was Johnson lying but so was his cabinet and most of his generals in regards to how the Vietnam War was being prosecuted and what was actually happening. He didn’t seek the office for a second term. Laws are for little people.
       What President Trump has been calling “fake news” is now being verified as being real by associates and members of his own family. The meetings with Russians did take place. President Trump, his family and administration did in fact lie about events. They lied to the press. They lied to congress. They lied when filling out forms for their security clearances. They lied about lying by calling it fake news. Most importantly though—they lied to the American people.
        Some excuses for lying include:

  • ·         Oh, that meeting!
  • ·         Oh gosh! Forgot about the meetings with the Russians.
  • ·         Didn’t think it mattered.
  • ·         Would have mentioned it but nothing happened.
  • ·         Couldn’t provide an accurate count of how many attended. Was it 8 or 9?
  • ·         Which meeting?
  • ·         Never happened.
  • ·         Didn’t know there were Russians in the room.
  • ·         Oh, those Russians.
  • ·         The Russians didn’t have any dirt on Clinton so the meeting was a bust.
  • ·         Thought I was the only one there.
  • ·         Talked about the business that we have with Russians that we don’t have.
  • ·         We were too busy obstructing justice to remember.

        They lied until there was no more avoiding the reality of the preponderance of evidence. Eric Trump was the first to crack because he got caught. There’s always that first one. The first one usually gets the better deal. Besides, confession is good for the soul. They forgot the old rule that 3 people can keep a secret if 2 of them are dead.
       The foreign power that they met with happened to be the Russians. (Russians that they are doing business with.) If they had met with the English or the French it would still have been just as illegal. But they met with a power that just happens to have a hundreds of nuclear weapons targeting our country. They met with the country that meddled in OUR elections. That doesn’t make it any more illegal. It does make it worse at a very fundamental level. It says that our democracy isn’t that important to them. It means that they placed America second. They wanted to throw in with a nation that would destroy our way of life.
       Now I don’t think that anything is going to happen to President Trump. I don’t think he will be impeached. The leadership of the Republican Party isn’t about to hold a Republican President Trump to the same standards that they held President Obama or even regular law abiding citizens. They are having success in dismantling government by simply sitting back and watching the chaos of ineptitude. Besides that they simply don’t have the intestinal fortitude to do what it takes. They’ll come up with all sorts of high sounding reasons for not doing anything. They’ll even talk about “The Rule of Law” a lot. Besides, they’re afraid of him and Bannon, and are seriously afraid of Trump’s supporters. Probably first and foremost the House of Representatives will never vote for articles of impeachment unless his illegal activity becomes too hard to ignore*. Then they’ll drag things out for as long as possible. They’ll continue to anonymously leak to the press what they won’t say in public about how incredibly bad a President he is. That way they’ll have plausible deniability at election time for President Trump supporters. They aren’t about to place the country, our nation and its people above their own self-interests. Because when push comes to shove…
Laws are for little people.

*The House votes the articles of impeachment. The Senate conducts the trial.