Thursday, January 11, 2018

Toll Road Ahead [POLITICs]

        There’s a toll road ahead. Decisions will have to be made and are already being made. The cost for getting on is real expensive. The poor, infirm, middle class, women, children, immigrants, labor force, seniors and just basically the have-nots so far are the ones that are going to be paying the toll.  The ultra-rich are getting a pass along with the really rich, regular rich and just rich. The wheels are already in motion. Life will get harder for the rest of us. A lot of people won’t make it. In other words, people will die. Poverty kills. Not having enough money to pay for insurance kills. Politicians are getting ready to kill a lot of people. People will be sent back to countries where they will be killed. Evil kills. The environment will suffer. There will be lots of collateral damage. A very small select group will add to their fortunes. They’ll receive accolades from their peers and supporters. Tyrants large and small will always have their supporters. Kings always had willing serfs.
        There has been this vulnerable portion of our population that for the last 20 years or so has been conditioned to accept and believe the worst about certain segments of our society. There has been a veritable carpet bombardment through electronic media from email in the beginning stages to and through social media platforms that wasn’t possible in the days of printed media and traditional television alone. It has been a misinformation operations dreamland. Pure fabrication has taken place on a grand scale.
        It hasn’t been real. It’s been conspiracy this, conspiracy that. Things that meant nothing were made to look like something. Bogus cause and effect: this has happened, so that means this must have happened. So and so knows so and so and they know. I know someone that knows. An official source says. Everybody knows.
        Compounding the problem is there were real ugly truths scattered among the rubbish throughout the last few decades. What would have been laughable became possible to believe. The National Enquirer went mainstream. The population was primed and ready. Coupled within all this is the very human trait of tending to believe the worst of human nature. The constant struggle between good and evil has tipped. The pile of deceptions became too great. One falsehood could be exposed but in the meantime there were a thousand more new ones fabricated. The power of the keyboard and software.
        But these things that happened were their own truths, nothing more. Real deceptions when they were called out were acknowledged. These real truths were ugly enough on their own. The country didn’t need all the make believe ugliness that was added on. The shape of our culture was made much worse than it needed to be. It served a variety of agendas to make that happen.
        Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.* There’s guilty and then there’s guilty. People wanting someone to be guilty does not make them guilty. Here’s a simple hard uncomplicated truth. Just one of many.  In regards to both President Bushes, Obama and the Clintons even with all the lies and deceit both real and imagined have committed no crimes that they can be charged with. It isn’t due to lack of evidence. There is no evidence except for the imaginings and desire from many for there to be. There might possibly be evidence to charge them with but there is no evidence to convict them with. Troves of make believe evidence and opinions exist. Thousands of people from all walks of society and a variety of disciplines would be necessary for the magnitude of cover ups that would be necessary to keep them from being charged, if they were guilty.
        Four were Presidents. One will never be President. Donald Trump is President. These are hard truths. That’s just the way it is. That’s another hard truth. This isn’t about the former Presidents or any of those that might have been President. This is about where we’re at as a nation. As a nation we have to deal with this situation. Where do we go from here? Resistance isn’t a plan. It’s an action or actions. Impeachment isn’t a plan. It’s an action, a process.
        This isn’t about impeachment. Some of the same professionals that have investigated in the past along with some new people will do their jobs again and investigate our current President and various associates just as they have done in the past with other administrations. What they will decide to do for the good of our nation when it comes to moving forward remains to be seen. (There have already been a couple guilty pleas that we know of.) Obviously this is something that needs to be done. The problem this nation faces goes far deeper than just one man or woman.
        Wagons have been circled. Heels have been dug in. Reality is no longer an issue because the reality of the situation is unacceptable. Zealots don’t need to be morally or ethically right; they just need to advance their position at any cost and they don’t care who pays for it.
        People are going to die.
*Benjamin Franklin in 1735. (Human nature hasn’t changed.)