Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Pot meet kettle


(2.6 minute read)

Very interesting

            Speaking of getting popcorn to watch the show how about Biden’s lawyers finding classified documents at an office formerly occupied by Biden?[1]  The really interesting thing about this story is that it took place last year on November 2nd and this is the first that we’re hearing about it.  It’s being reported that some of the dozen documents had the Sensitive Classified Information (SCI) designation.[2] 

            I’m reminded of a phrase from the Nixon years.  What did they know and when did they start lying about it?  Or something like that.  Other Democrats were aware that it had happened.  Biden damn sure knew about it.  A Trump appointed attorney is doing the investigating as Special Council. (See correction note at bottom.)


Scavenger hunt

            Want to bet that a lot of ex-Presidents, Vice Presidents and government officials in general are going through old files right now not to mention all of the current members of Congress along with their staff.  They should.  This is outrageous. 

We now have a bigger problem than just current and former Presidents having classified documents in places where they shouldn’t be.  This is more than enough evidence now to show that there’s a lot of sloppiness when it comes to handling classified material.  LOTs of people are involved.  You know that people at that level aren’t getting their own documents so staff and clerks are involved. 

When I was a classified documents courier, I carried a 45.  I had a Top-Secret clearance.  That didn’t mean that I could look at the documents.  I didn’t have any “need to know.”  Signed out.  Signed in.  Never left my physical presence.  The documents were tracked.  There were documents where even the names were classified.  I can’t even imagine a scenario where it would happen that oh by the way that Top Secret document you were carrying around never showed up or checked out and never came back. 

            There obviously needs to be a major overhaul of how classified documents are regardless of whatever Administration and Congress is in power.  Anyone that handles classified information should be given mandatory training before they’re allowed to handle it.  Anyone.  Where any classified document is at any given time should never be in question.

There should be consequences.

What now?

            Welp, the Dems and Reps are already arguing over whose is the greatest sin in regard to the mishandling of classified documents.  Yes, there are major differences between the two cases but in my estimation, it is a matter of degree.

            Biden can’t be charged as President.  The DOJ is already doing an investigation headed by a Trump appointee.  Whatever the finding nothing will happen until he leaves office.  Republicans will hesitate to impeach him over the issue because doing anything puts their guy at more risk than he already is.  Whether the classified documents were mishandled intentionally or on purpose will weigh heavily on any decision made by the courts or DOJ. 

            One thing for is for certain.  It will be a show.

Welcome to the bigs.

[Correction note:   I had my election dates wrong.  The Trump Administration would not have known about it.]

[1] https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-classified-documents-story-lights-social-media-watch-fast-disappears

[2] https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/09/politics/joe-biden-classified-documents-upenn/index.html