Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Word grenades [Culture]

Grenades are a throw and duck weapon. They are indiscriminant. They can cause injuries from minor to lethal. A person can't throw a grenade far enough to escape the harm-causing zone. That’s why a grenade is thrown from behind cover when possible. 
The definition for word grenades would be much the name. There are major differences of course. The injuries are not physical, though there are those who have been bullied to commit suicide or incited to commit harm.
The internet has provided for an explosion in communication and the distribution of ideas and information. Unfortunately an incredible amount of damage can be done as well. People’s lives are being destroyed by social media on a regular basis. False or misleading information is produced and distributed in prodigious amounts through social media like facebook and web sites. Throw into this mix malicious web sites trying to extract information, damage software or compromise people’s computers for nefarious purposes. And there are also the digital vandals that screw things up just because they can; driven by the same behavior that has some people spray painting on walls.
It would have been nice if social media could have become a place to exchange views freely without all the name calling and vulgarity. With each passing day social media becomes more toxic, polluted and divisive. It’s like people are being driven into digital enclaves where they can freely associate with their own kind simply by unfollowing or unfriending those with differing views. Social media quite often assumes a lynch mob mentality where word grenades are freely tossed.
Facebook may be social but it isn't always a friendly place and it gets less friendly with each passing day. An awful lot of the time it’s just plain hostile. I have noticed that people, including myself, will say things or post hurtful things on fb that they would never dream of saying or doing in most physical world associations. It's like we feel that we're anonymous on fb yet posting as ourselves. Sitting by ourselves in front of our computers or using our various devices to communicate emboldens us. We produce or pass along content and suddenly hundreds, thousands or more see it. Go viral and we’ve hit the Bigs!
There seems to be a lot less inclination to be civil or circumspect with our words. It’s easier to be witty or witless depending upon one’s perspective. I miss open civil discourse where there can be passionate disagreement without the descent into personal pejorative-laden argument where any insights can be quickly lost. We lose the possibility of some new consideration being brought to the table in the kinds of exchanges that pass for communication in the word bite- and meme-driven world of the internet.
There doesn’t appear to be anything too personal and nothing so sacred that it can’t be posted or attacked in hateful terms. From mocking people’s appearance to their beliefs; from the trivial to the sacred is fair game. Family stuff that used to only be shared in private is now aired publically. Facebook is very public regardless of what so-called privacy settings are used. I have under-developed thought filters. I overshare. I think I was born this way. I’m trying to cut back. I’ll fail.
Disagree with someone or a particular post and “you” are not just stupid you’re a special kind of stupid. Meaning that you’re a special kind of stupid in a generic non-threatening kind of non-personal way in a post sent out to all of your “friends”. Except they really do mean you.
We friend people without considering if their social operating system may be vastly different than our own. In the real world we tend to hang with those that we’re compatible with. Social media is a whole different animal yet we post as if we’re sharing with kindred spirits (but not really). We post regardless of hurting feelings or stepping on toes.
We should skip hurling pejoratives at those with opposing views. We have the ability to take our criticisms, conversations, postings, etc. to a higher level. Yes, the shrill from the right and the left have every right to express their views however they see fit. They will continue their spew 24/7. We have the right and obligation as citizens not to pander to the lowest common denominator. We have the right to not be their audience and to deny them a broader audience by not passing along their hate as if it were our own.
It isn't just the parties of the extremes that have been compromised. It is the heart of the United States of America as well. (I used the whole name because of the "United" part.)
Fear should not be our guide to a better future. Fear will not lead us to a better place. We do need to acknowledge it and question if it’s real and then deal with it with all the courage we can muster.
We need to reach a place where we are at least the united United States when it comes to taking care of the best interests of humanity. A nation where people's hands aren't tied behind their backs with paperwork and with political theater preventing them from doing what is right. A nation where love and compassion are shown to those least able to take care of themselves. A nation that ministers to the poor; puts them first at the table. A nation that cares for children today while planning their better future without one excluding the other.