Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Wallowing in Lies [POLITICS]

NOTE:  My usual comments. Supporters of President Trump should ignore this post. You won’t like it and it’ll just upset you. It’s 1330 words long. Its 7 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back. So, do yourself a favor and don’t read it. Seriously. You don’t need the aggravation.

President Trump declares NATIONAL EMERGENCY!!! Hordes of pillaging, raping, thieving, murdering brown people are preparing to invade. They’re cleverly disguised as unarmed Hispanic men, women and children seeking asylum, looking for a better way of life or wanting to work the hard jobs needing workers! Don’t be fooled by these sneaky brown people. The Leader is prepared to spend 8 billion in tax dollars to pay for an IMPENETRABLE WALL to combat these miscreants! Staging of napalm, Agent Orange, mines, tanks, cluster bombs, tear gas, etc. will begin immediately. Strike aircraft will be placed on alert along with Spectre AC-130 gunships, armed drones and attack helicopters. Militias in white hooded robes are encouraged to head to the border to help defend the Fatherland from the brown menace! Martial law is now in effect along the entire border. LEADER! LEADER! LEADER! (I just threw that last part in for dramatic effect.)

In the meantime…

        *To belabor the point as well as reinforce it, President Trump said that a wall along the southern border would be built and that MEXICO would PAY for it! The crowd would cheer when the Leader said it. LOTS! “100%!” The crowd would cheer some more. The Mexican government said that they would NOT pay for the wall. Then Candidate Trump would say “10 feet higher!” The crowd would cheer! LOTS MORE! President Trump said that it would be easy for him to get Mexico to pay for his wall! Cheers from the crowd! “LEADER, LEADER LEADER!”
        *This is a link to some real jazzy music with Trump saying 10 feet higher! < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swQ_2RxRGeE  > It really is nicely done and kind of funky. It’s got a catchy beat and would be easy to dance to. The lyrics are simple and easy to remember.
        *President Trump even said that we should remember him saying that Mexico would pay for the wall. He said it repeatedly. He said that it would be easy. The link below is a compilation of a few of the many times of then candidate Trump saying that Mexico would pay for the wall. He would ask who was going to pay for the wall and his supporters would shout back, “Mexico!” It was great theater. That was his campaign promise. NOT saddling the cost on the back of tax paying Americans.
        *We know how that turned out. Instead, President Trump shut down our government and put 800,000 Americans out of work trying to get the poor and middle class to pay for the wall instead. And he said that he was proud to do it.
        *BREAKING NEWS!!!  Hordes of brown people have taken over the streets of McAllen, Texas! They’re everywhere! It’s chaos! The situation is desperate! They’re being overwhelmed!
        *What? McAllen, Texas’ population is 82% Hispanic. So, never mind.
        *But what about this border city? In the clip their mayor does a nice job of explaining what’s going on. He has an excellent grasp of the situation. In short, they don’t want a wall either and there is no crisis.
        *It bears mentioning that every border Representative opposes Trump’s wall. Seems kind of odd, doesn’t it? Shouldn’t these people know that they’re under attack? Shouldn’t they know that they’re being invaded? That brown people are the enemy?
        *Doesn’t it seem that since this has been going on for a couple of decades that we should have bands of roving brown people pillaging in the streets by now? Now I know some people go completely nuts when an illegal brown person commits a crime but really given that this has gone on so long doesn’t it seem that local news should be filled with thousands of brown illegals committing heinous crimes every day? But it isn’t. Why? Because it isn’t happening. There aren’t hordes of looting, raping brown pillagers running amok in the streets.
        *There is no crisis at the border. There is no crime wave. There is no invasion taking place. We aren’t under attack from poor brown people. They come because we created the demand for their labor.
        *Border apprehensions peaked in the year 2000 at 1.64 million and have declined 76% since then. < https://www.factcheck.org/2018/06/illegal-immigration-statistics/ > Apprehensions declined 43% in President Trump’s first full year in office. They are now back up to where they were under President Obama. He also had an abysmal record in how immigrants were treated during his administration.
        *Obviously we were ALL lied to by the Leader. The bottom line is that President Trump is no longer trying to deliver on his campaign promise to have Mexico pay for his wall. That’s failed. COMPLETELY! He tried briefly selling the premise that Mexico will somehow be paying for the wall because of the updated trade agreement. That’s yet another lie among the thousands that he has told.
        *Where was I? Oh yes! The Leader’s wall to keep out the brown hordes coming to join the 10 million or so illegals already here working the jobs in the fields, hospitality industry, meat processing plants, landscaping, restaurants and construction trades that can’t be filled. Oops! I almost left off golf courses, hotels and country clubs. President Trump is now busily firing the illegals that worked for him at his various properties for years. Then he can start hiring some more at below market wages. He already imports foreign domestics so it isn’t like he puts all his eggs in one basket when it comes to hiring cheap labor.
        *This is a link to a nice thoughtful piece about the border wall done by the CBC News. (Canadian.) < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzfCZ6W7NeE > I just added this because I like to throw in something thoughtful every now and then.
        *I like making bullet points. Here are a few concerning what the Leader campaigned on.
·       “I will build a great wall!” [Now, I didn’t take that to mean that he would engage in the actual physical labor of building a wall. Having Mexico pay for the wall is now dropping out of the picture. Yet it was a foundational claim that President Trump campaigned on. Foundational.]
·       “Lock her up!” [He didn’t really mean that either and said so after he was elected.  < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix49LjgaTaI > Remember when Flynn chanted it? Irony.]  
·       “Repeal and replace” was another big one. < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-VTbt-i_b4&t=41s > < https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Q50m4ohVUs > [Another big lie. He had nothing. Republican leadership had nothing. They have been doing their level best to destroy to Affordable Care Act rather than fixing what was wrong with it. Two years they controlled government completely. Nothing.]
·       He was only going to appoint the best people. [He’s had the highest turnover of staff than any President in history. People that he has appointed are not only being found guilty but they are pleading guilty to crimes that they committed working for the Leader.]
·       He wasn’t going to have time to golf. [He’s already golfed more than President Obama did in 8 eight years.]
        *President Trump continues every day to tell a gullible group of people anything they want to hear in order to retain their support, whether it’s lying about tax breaks, tax returns, providing affordable insurance, not being involved with the Russians, throwing Hillary Clinton in jail or lying about immigrants. He is an equal-opportunity liar: no lie is too big or too small. He embodies the worst characteristics of politicians that conservatives say they abhor. He will continue to write checks with his mouth that he can’t cash.
        *This is the president that the Republican Party has been in the process of creating for years. He is the Republican Party. The Republican Party is him.