Monday, November 5, 2018

No King but Caesar [Politics/Religion]

        This is a tough time for Christians to write and maintain civility because the very nature of what we are going through requires us to define events as well as people in negative terms. Unfortunately that’s the world as it is. So what are we to do? Do we let the hateful agenda of right-wing evangelicals define the faith? Can we turn to Jesus for guidance? Should we at least try and use his life as an example of what we should do? How should we respond?
        Jesus didn’t hold back in criticizing the Pharisees. He was the enemy of Rome whether he liked it or not because to them Caesar was God. Jesus was not. The Caesar of Rome let the Pharisees (Religious leaders) keep their people in line as long as the money kept coming in and there weren’t any insurrections.
        But for Christians Jesus was Lord. Jesus was a radical religious LIBERAL. Jesus did NOT go to Caesar for help. He did not go to Caesar to seek power. He did not try to get Caesar to enforce his will upon the Roman Empire. It wouldn’t have worked.
        Fast forward to today and the right wing conservative evangelicals have thrown in with their Caesar, President Trump. They are the Evangelical Party. I already received one of their mailings in regards to November. They are promoting a huge “Christian” turn out for President Trump. Their Christians. They, like the Pharisees and Sadducees before them, are trying to whip their Christians into line for their Caesar by getting them to vote and act for those that will give them power. They want the power of Rome exercised through the President and his followers.

Pat Robertson:  I think, somehow, the Lord’s plan is being put in place for America and these people are not only revolting against Trump, they’re revolting against what God’s plan is for America.”
Franklin Graham:  “Hundreds of thousands of Christians from across the United States have been praying. This year they came out to every state capitol to pray for this election and for the future of America. Prayer groups were started. Families prayed. Churches prayed. Then Christians went to the polls, and God showed up. While the media scratches their heads and tries to understand how this happened, I believe that God’s hand intervened Tuesday night to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country.” (Did God show up when Hitler took power? Germany was a “Christian” nation as much as the United States is.)
James Dobson:  “The Lord played a role in the election of Donald Trump. He was raised up for such a time as this.”
Jerry Falwell Jr.:  "Plenty of presidents have paid lip service to God, but few, if any, have demonstrated a consistent tendency to walk in Christ's shoes and make the morally correct decision instead of the politically easy one." (Technically I don’t believe that Falwell Jr. qualifies as a right wing conservative evangelical. He father along with Pat Robertson are a couple of evangelicals that put forth the belief that we had 9/11 coming to us.)
Tony Perkins:  “We kind of gave him, ‘All right, you get a mulligan. You get a do-over here.’” (A response he gave in an interview in regards to the Trump and Stormy Daniels affair. A mulligan! God, please give me a mulligan on that last one! And God said go and mulligan no more.  NIV, Golf Gospel. BTW it’s reported that he cheats at golf. That might actually qualify as a sin but I’m not trying to drive a wedge between golfers.)
Donald Trump (In response to a question asking if he seeks forgiveness.):  “I don’t think so. I think I, if I do something wrong I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture.”
Ralph Reed:  And I say that not as hyperbole but because we did it to Obama. When we took the House and the Senate, he could do almost nothing. … He couldn’t do anything on climate change, couldn’t do anything more on Obamacare, couldn’t raise taxes–legislatively he was a lame duck.” (A response given as to why Christians should vote Republican in November. I have to admit here that I did not know that he and his buddies were in charge of Congress then.)
Jeremiah Johnson:  “Trump does not fear man nor will he allow deception and lies to go unnoticed.” (This doesn’t exactly explain why Donald Trump avoided the draft.)

        Here’s scripture that Evangelicals are using to support President Trump.
        Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Romans 13:1 (NIV) Evangelicals consider the bible to be inerrant.
        This is scripture evangelicals used for President Obama.
        Let his days be few; and let another take his office.” Psalms 109:8 (KJV) Two options here. Impeached or dead. But wait! Here’s the rest of the story. “May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow!” Psalms 109:9. Nope. They just wanted the President dead.
        On the one hand it’s refreshing to see that evangelicals are progressively flexible when it comes to the inerrancy of the bible. On the other hand their interpretations are hypocritical.
        Judas sold out for silver. What did evangelicals sell out for? An embassy in Jerusalem?
The possibility of making getting an abortion more difficult for the poor and middle class? Protection of their religious beliefs at the exclusion of others? Their agenda of getting the right to discriminate against others at their choice?  Tax breaks for the friends of Caesar? Political power? Wealth?
        Christians are far from unified in their opinions of what is taking place in this country. With the faith already in decline the actions of evangelicals will drive an even deeper wedge between the faith and the youth that are needed for the future continued viability of the church. They portray themselves as the voice of Christendom even though they don’t speak for all Christians (or probably even the majority of Christians). They claim that this President is a divine leader anointed by God. (They made no such claim for President Obama.) Evangelicals have become servants to the rich and powerful. They are servants to their Caesar.
        There are evangelicals that believe that President Trump is fulfilling the prophecies by moving the embassy to Jerusalem.  By helping to get Donald Trump elected and helping him stay in power they believe they have become the hand of God. God needs their help!
        The Saudis have their “Islamic religious police” and now the United States of America now has the “Religious Freedom Task Force” (RFTF) being put in place to enforce the doctrines of the Pharisee evangelicals. Their goals are about as unchristian as you can get when it comes to the teachings of Jesus.
        If Jesus comes back and tries to enter the United States at the Mexican border, well, good luck getting past ICE and armed militia citizens. Jesus was real big on taking care of immigrants, the poor, the sick, children, the homeless, families and just people in general. He didn’t care what color they were. Jesus was probably brown. He also wasn’t super-hot crazy about the rich. He wanted them to give up all their stuff and follow him. They lived in communes. Crazy, huh!
        Support for Trump can’t be because he’s moral or provides a good example of how a Christian should act. (Good grief, the Southern Baptist church I was saved at wouldn’t even let a divorced person hold a position in church.) The man is a veritable fountain of lies and hate. He has now, after denying it as fake news for months, finally admitted to paying off women that he was cheating on Melania with. One of which was a porn star. Unprotected sex with a porn star. Talk about high risk behavior. He put his wife at risk as well.
        Another objective that they are striving for is to get abortion made illegal. Now, that won’t stop abortions from taking place. It never has. It never will. They know that. It will just drive women back to the coat hanger days and “back alley” abortions. They want women punished. Hell, they want women to suffer. If they see a pregnant woman out having a little wine they want to be able to sic the police on them for endangering the child that they’re carrying. A woman having a miscarriage would be suspect. Did she engage in behavior that put her pregnancy at risk? Send in agents of the RFTF to investigate.
        They want to deny service to those that they perceive as being sinners. They want to be able to discriminate. They want to discriminate against the brown people coming across the border. They want children separated and families destroyed. It is their righteous justice! They are the mighty evangelicals. They want other religions denounced! They are the power brokers to the Caesar of today. They are God’s agents. They will be the arbiters of the American Christian inquisition.
        President Trump is the man that they hold up for America as the idol of their values. He is the example that they want children to follow. This man that has never said that it was wrong for him to cheat on all of his wives. This man that mocks people’s appearance. This man that calls names and insults people on a daily basis. He encourages violence. A man that mocks the law. A man that lies constantly. A man that doesn’t ask for forgiveness of his sins let alone admit that he has sinned. A man of avarice and greed. A man obsessed with himself. A man that shares the values of racists and white nationalists. They are drawn to his message.  These are the values that the Evangelical Party now supports.
        Pharisee evangelicals certainly don’t speak for me.