Monday, March 30, 2020

Pandemic Porkers

(5.7 minute read) 3/30/2020, 2 pages

NOTE:  I lifted some of the technical information below from historian Heather Cox Richardson. I also did, as I usually do, research on my own. BTW the bills are available online for anyone to see. There is no mystery about what has taken place just lies that are being messaged. It happened right out in the open.

In the beginning.

Now, for those that might not know funding bills have to come from the House NOT the Senate. So a “shell bill” was created by the House to serve as the original bill. This bill was replaced by the Senate bill that was written by Republicans. And yes it was loaded with PORK. Pork for porkers. Pork for Fat Cats. Pork for FOT and FOR. Pork for corporations. Pork for the always suffering rich.

Do you CARE?

I’m seeing a lot of misinformation about the stimulus bill that recently passed. It’s called Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020 (CARES) H.R. 748. It is actually the 3rd relief bill to pass. The first one was H.R. 6074. The 2nd H.R. 6201. The first two CARE bills were bi-partisan. Not the 3rd.

There’s a lot of junk circulating about Democrat “pork” in the 3rd bill. NOT factual at all. The Senate Republicans wrote the 3rd 2.2 trillion dollar bill WITHOUT input from the Senate Democrats. The pork is and was Republican pork. The bill passed the Senate 96 to 0 and went ‘back’ to the house. All the Democrats voted for the bill in order to keep it moving and back to the conference committee.


Now when Democrats saw the Senate bill they objected to the lack of money for average Americans and that there was not enough oversight for the $500 billion being provided for corporations. Now, I think, that this next part is important, it wasn’t that the Democrats didn’t want to serve pork to corporations they wanted more oversight on the slush fund. They also didn’t want the Friends of President Trump(FOTs) and the President to get any of the money. If you remember President Trump would NOT commit to not having his businesses benefit from the money.

Also if you remember the news at the time, corroborated by el Presidenté Trump when he was talking about the House Dems not passing the CARE bill, the House Democrats and Republican Senate were at an impasse. This is when the House Democrats produced a 1400 page wish list bill in contrast to what to what the Senate Republicans had produced. House Republicans did not participate in this bill. No need really. They had seen what their comrades in the Senate had delivered up. This is when Senate Republicans realized that they needed to start compromising with the Democrats. No action at all was taken on the 1400 page House bill.

Tilting windmills

The House intended to pass the 3rd CARE bill with a voice vote BUT yet another Republican held up that simple vote until enough members of the House returned, voted him down and passed the bill. In the Senate there were 4 Republicans that spoke out against giving more money to average Americans than what they deserved. Republicans always are suspicious about poor people taking advantage of them. They just have a low opinion of those that aren’t them.

The bill then went to President, who signed the bill.

But wait!

The President also included a signing statement. He said that there were things in the bill that he would disregard. Gasp! You’ll never guess what he objected to. Oversight of the slush fund and the portions that said he and his companies wouldn’t take any money. He has added some things since signing the bill like wanting his name on all the checks going to Americans.


And of course President Trump is lying about the bill already and his Republican jesters are spinning his message. There were no windmills in the bill that the Republicans wrote. There was no “Green New Deal” in the bill that the Republicans wrote. Seriously people. Republicans.

And now the President’s base is accusing Democrats of doing what Republicans in point of fact did and telling people to be sure and remember at election time. Thanks Obama.

Pork lite

There was some pork or rather pork lite added by both parties. Nothing draws Democrats and Republicans together like a little pork. It’s what they do. There were actually some good things in there too.

I’m going to single one out because the conservative Republican messaging is already going after the money that went to the Kennedy Center. I have to admit that even I wondered about that one. (BTW the center is part of the government.) Melania Trump is a trustee of the center if that helps any. President Trump along with other Republicans and Democrats supported giving them funding as well. Republicans proposed giving them money in the original bill that they put together.

There were some other appropriations in the bill. You can read them for yourself if you want. Its 335 pages long. At least the PDF that I downloaded is that long. But why bother with actually reading when it’s so much fun just making stuff up and passing lies around to support Glorious Leader?

I often make what I call an LT15 check. That means usually I can find out if something is true in less than 15 seconds on average. Granted some stuff takes a little more digging. There isn’t anything that I’ve had to look up relevant to this page that took me longer than 30 seconds.

Down towards the bottom of the bill at like around 200 pages in is where the other stuff starts popping up. The Kennedy Center shows up at page 272. You can read all about it! Yes, I went through all 335 pages. The amounts of money are just dizzying! It’s a $2.2 trillion dollars bill! Kind of breath-taking really. It’s there for you to read it. If there’s a government agency, program or building that’s been missed it’s an accident and probably something in the bill covers that.

No windmills though. Sorry to disappoint. Just say that you’ve read the bill and make up whatever you need to believe. You’re in austere company.

Check please.

It’s quite possible that the President doesn’t know what is in the bill that he signed either. Three hundred thirty five pages are waaaay past his attention span. Reading things gets in the way of his tweet time. He just wants to make sure that his name is on the checks. He likes it when people are grateful to him. He rewards his jesters except for when he punishes them.