Friday, March 27, 2020

Foursome [PANDEMIC]

(4 minute read)

Victory! We beat China!

VICTORY! The United States with a population of 328 million has beaten China with a population of 1.4 billion in the number of COVID-19 cases! AND we did it with inadequate testing!


Go US!

I was telling people last week that we would know by the end of this week how things were going to go. Well, now we know. Yesterday’s news was not good. Beating China in the number of COVID-19 cases was not the place that we wanted to be in. We pulled it off though. Unchecked that figure will double. DOUBLE!

What can individuals do?

Ω Try not to get it.

Ω Try not to spread it.

That’s it.

Short list.

The majority of us are just along for the ride at this point.

Back in the day

Remember when the AIDs epidemic hit. That’s when health professionals started telling people to have safe sex. In essence they said that if a person had unprotected sex with someone then they were having sex with every person that person had had sex with. In other words if that person had been infected by anyone they had sex with then they would not only catch it but spread it as well. The more sex partners that a person had the riskier the situation they were placing themselves in. People had AIDs and didn’t know that they had it. That’s how it was spreading. With me so far?

Final 4

Let’s get back to that foursome title. Let’s say four people decide to hit the links. They’re from 4 different groups of associations. When they get together they’re all in essence meeting everyone that the others in their foursome have associated with in the last two weeks. Were any of the people in any of these groups of associations infected with the coronavirus? The risk of exposure goes up dramatically especially when you consider that people without symptoms can transmit the virus.

The lets say that the foursome decides to support their local restaurant and goes to get some takeout. The person that they come into contact with at the delivery point is now placed at risk. Did all the involved parties use their best practices for preventing transmission of COVID-19? I seriously doubt it. Why? Because if they had a brain in their head they wouldn’t have been golfing in the first place! And it isn’t just themselves that they put at risk. It’s everybody that they come into contact with. Their friends. Their loved ones.

So are we supporting local business if we put their lives at risk just so we can have takeout?

“I’ll have a burger, fries and a coke and here’s a little COVID-19 for you along with the tip.”

“Thank you sir and here’s some COVID-19 right back at you. Have a nice day!”

“You too kid! Say hello to your Grandma for me!”

Mission Essential

Some risks can’t be avoided. We actually do need food to get through this. That’s why grocery stores are allowed to remain open. Fired departments. Police departments. Hospitals. Utilities. Transportation (Nurses and doctors have to get to work.). You know—ESSENTIAL! NOT GOLF!

May God bless and hold all of these people in grace. They are truly incredible.

Why do I keep mentioning golf? Where we live golf made the cut as being essential. Fucking golf. This is how you tell whether people are taking a pandemic seriously or not. Sadly, It’s way past time to get serious.


Elvis has left the building.

People saying that going back to work will save the economy are quite simply wrong. That train has left the station. That boat has sailed away. That plane has left the runway. That horse has left the barn. Well, you get the picture.

First and foremost the country just took on at least 2 trillion in debt. This is on top of the trillion and a half that was given to rich people. Now add all the income that’s already been lost and will be lost. If you’re so inclined even add all of the lost profit and lost sales of goods and services. Toilet paper sales are going to be flat for at least a year. The economy? It’s over. Can’t be saved.

What can be saved?

Here’s a radical idea.

 Save people! Put people first! Start now!

That can be done.