Thursday, April 9, 2020

Pandemic Jesus Kills

(2.5 minute read) 4/9/2020, 1 page

IDK somehow that title just doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t seem to represent the Christian faith. I must admit though that I have been having some serious unchristian thoughts here lately. They generally occur right after I read about Republican Jester Evangelical Extremists claiming that it’s a victory for the Constitution to let people have church in their church and not practice physical distancing.

There is NO Constitutional right to kill innocent people.

Kansas provides the most recent example of the Evangelical Republican Conservatism fanaticism. Their State Senate voted to undo the Democrat Governor Kelly’s order to prevent gatherings of ten or more people at church. They cited the Constitution, freedom of religion and of course Christians are being picked on. Now they did this even though deaths have already been reported in Kansas from people that attended church gatherings and caught COVID-19 while there.

Just do a search using the words < pastors dying from COVID-19 > and see what you come up with. Among the first people to die in Virginia was a pastor that said the virus response was just “hysteria.” And that’s just pastors. Congregations have been infected with COVID-19 as well at church gatherings.

Frankly it’s patently stupid to think that somehow people meetings in groups of ten or less is not dangerous. If one person passes it to ten people the numbers go up exponentially. Ten becomes a hundred etcetera.

Republican death panels in operation. People of other faiths and non-believers should be concerned about this cavalier attitude about having their lives jeopardized. Except even conservative non-believers think this a whole bunch of concern about nothing. Life is cheap to Republicans. Kind of ironic for the supposedly pro-life crowd.

Unchristian thoughts.

I have to admit that there’s one small part of me that says good enough, let them kill themselves in greater numbers and we’ll all be better off. Natural selection. The problem is that they place other innocent’s lives at risk. They put the lives of the men, women and children that they associate with at risk. It seems to me that “Love one another as I have loved you” should include not wantonly killing people by packing a church building with people in the middle of a fucking pandemic!

Oh my! He used a bad word! Members of the Republican Death Panels clutch their collective pearls and swoon.

They have made an idol out of their church buildings. Some of these mega churches are palaces so I can understand why they would want to worship them and their building instead along with their tax exempt status.

Look, Jesus didn’t want his followers dying in buildings. He didn’t want his followers spreading disease. He didn’t want his followers killing people in his name. That’s some serious world class blasphemy right there.

That’s it for me on this holy day of the faith. I have some praying to do along with asking for forgiveness. In the meantime…

…stay away from people!

Your life could depend on it.