Monday, March 1, 2021

All that glitters

3/4/21, UPDATE:  

    FYI the idol was made in China.

I just couldn’t pass this up.

Magic princess!

            What’s with the golden statue of Trump at the CPAC convention? Were they joking? Surely it was a joke. A joke at Trump’s expense? I don’t think so! They are too afraid of upsetting his majesty.

            I’m going to have to say that whoever came up with the idea of the statue wasn’t concerned about optics. At all. Who was their target audience anyway? Was the statute designed by a committee? It kind of looks that way.

            I mean seriously. Trump in shorts and sandals? Does the man even own a pair of shorts and sandals? Besides I question sandals without socks. The guy wears tighty whities (we know this thanks to the paid-off porn star memoirs) so it’s a good bet he’d have socks on with those sandals.

            Too svelte and the tie isn’t nearly long enough.

            They obviously weren’t striving for accuracy. Symbolism perhaps?

            What? Trump covers his loins with patriotism. If that’s true we’re missing the magnificent bulge.

            And then there’s the princess wand with the star.


Trump is a magic princess?


            Evangelical Christians may have a hard time waiting to get miniature versions for their churches to go next to their American flags for their worship services. Songs and bible verse selections could get real interesting. Will Franklin Graham be sorry that he didn’t think of it first? That’s the real question. Or is the better real question “when will they start doing human sacrifices?” Well, now that I think of it, they’ve already done that at their services with non-mask wearing for Jesus theology.

            If they substituted a collection plate for the wand they could roll the Golden Trump up and down the aisle during the offering and then 10% of that could go to Trump. I mean after all it’s on wheels! I just love that! Whoever came up with is a genius--make that a Donald-Jenius-Trump Jenius.

            Seriously, after that episode with the cardboard cutout, Marjory Taylor Greene won’t be able to keep her hands off of this one.


            It all comes down to marketing. Different sizes for different uses. The Golden Trump statue just cries out to be a Christmas ornament! Then there’s the convention size, stadium size, church size, home shrine size, car bobble head size, pocket size and battery operated size suitable for discreet personal use.

            Normally I would say that I probably went too far with that last one but these are far from normal times that we live in. As I think back to the time when the woman at the Trump rally had on the T-shirt with the saying that Trump could grab her.  And now the shirts are available for purchase on the internet.

And there you have it.