Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Brides of FrankenTrump


Downloaded from Mother Jones.

Coming soon!

            At some point this year trials and plea bargains followed by sentencing will start for the insurrectionists that stormed the Capitol to stop the will of “We the People” from taking place. Those that assaulted police will do some time.

            I think everyone should keep in mind two things: former President Trump could have pardoned all those involved in the insurrections. All of them. Every. One. As President he could have done that and none of them would be facing the serious jail time that they are now facing. He also could have done just as he said that he would and marched to the Capitol with them. He could have led them right through the barricades and into the building. As I have said before who would have stopped him?

But he didn’t.

            So now lawyers will argue that they believed that they were carrying out crimes at the behest of the President. The President that hung them out to dry. The very people that he said he loved on the day of the insurrection. But they lost. Trump the loser doesn’t like losers.

            So the lawyers will talk about the events of the day hundreds of times.

The news will be the news.

Willful ignorance.

            Tired of hearing about Trump? President Biden is, along with a majority chunk of America. Tired of hearing about the insurrection at the Capitol to overturn the vote of “We the People?” Republicans think that it’s too partisan to talk about their ongoing treason to the United States.

            Seventy percent plus of Trump MAGAT Heads believe that the election was stolen. Yes, it’s 2021 and we have somewhere between 30 and 70 million people rejecting reality. In spite of 100% of the truth that there was zero widespread voter fraud and zero actual proof ever submitted by Republicans in court the majority of Republicans commit to saying that they don’t believe the election results.


            What an incredible surprise that was! Okay, not really. Republican Senators found their golden idol holiness former President Trump not guilty. The only people that didn’t see that coming were some Democrats that believe that truth will take the day. It never hurts to dream.

             Like I said before if they found him guilty they would be finding themselves guilty. They spread, and continue to spread, the same lying crap to their beyond gullible cult MAGAT Head followers that he does. They should have pled the 5th Amendment.

            Coming soon to an election near YOU!


There can be only one.

            This is almost funny except it’s sad. Pence, the Vice President whose life Trump put in jeopardy wants to run for President. He’ll need the blessing of the enfant terrible Trump to do that right along with all the other….hm….what word should I use….brides, yes we’ll go with brides although it isn’t really my first choice.  Nope. On second thought it’s just funny.

Trumpenstein’s Brides!

Guilty Not Guilty

            Trump’s world. Poor Trump. Victim Trump. People pick on Trump. Sad 2 Xs impeached Trump. It’s all about Trump’s world all the time. The world as it relates to Trump.

            He tried to stage a coup and was defeated. Moscow Mitch McConnell wouldn’t allow a trial while Trump was President. Then after Trump lost the Presidency McConnell said that he couldn’t be tried because he wasn’t President. Ah yes, as it was in the beginning so it ever is.

            Then after voting “not guilty” he said that Trump was guilty.

What about

            Those that were encouraged by Trump and then denied by Trump will have their days in court. Expect some of them to do some time. There will be plea bargains for the lesser charges. It isn’t all bad. Lawyers will make some money. MAGAT Heads are claiming that they just did what their President told them to do. This would be the President that denied them. Had he actually done what he said that he would do and walked with them right into the Capitol building their claims would be truthful. Still an attempted coup but at least they would have had their leader with them. But alas his bone spurs reactivated and he wasn’t able to lead them.

            He golfed.

They’ll be getting their body cavities searched.

The injured.

            There were around 140 Capitol Police and Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department officers that were seriously injured.  And by serious I mean these types of injuries.

  • After getting hit with a stun gun six times an officer had a heart attack.
  • Another officer lost part of a finger.
  • Concussions from getting hit with clubs, poles, bats, fists, metal pipes
  • Obviously a lot of sprains, bruised arms, legs and swollen hands and feet.
  • Eye damage from laser pointers being shone into their eyes.
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Rib fractures
  • A couple of shattered spinal discs.
  • An officer was stabbed.
  • One officer might lose his eye.

            These men and women were in a pitched battle for 4 to 5 hours against a Trump mob numbering in the thousands not just chanting for violence but inflicting violence. The majority of these traitors still insist and falsely believe that Trump won.

Where’s their justice?!

            Where is the justice for all the injured police? Where’s the justice for the terrorized congressional staff that hid in fear of their lives that day?

            The Republican Senators and House members let the Traitor leader off the hook by reason of paperwork not being filed in timely manner.

            It’s time for

Trial by Court!