Sunday, July 30, 2023

Good Muslims v. Bad Muslims


(2.25 minute read)

Money Buds

            For the 2024 Presidential election Trump is campaigning against Muslims again.[1]  Yep!  He’s agin' ‘em.  Said he doesn’t like them blowing up our buildings!  Going to reinstitute his travel ban when elected President.  Except for the Saudis!  Trump loves talking up the Saudis, especially their LIV golf events for which he gets money.[2]  Trump loves the Muslims that give him money.  He’s best buds with a lot of them.  Well, maybe not best buds but buds. 

It’s almost like he doesn’t remember that it was Saudis that crashed planes into the twin towers.  Oops.  Well, it turns out that Trump isn’t sure that’s true.

“Well, nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately.  They should have. As to the maniacs that did that horrible thing to our city, to our country, to the world, so nobody’s really been there.”

Donald Trump[3] 

            So, in addition to being an election denier he’s also a 9/11 denier in some respects.  It’s like he didn’t realize that when he was President, he could have looked into what happened on 9/11.  Perhaps Trump should have tweeted less and governed more.

Nah!  Governing is hard!

Money talks. 

            Arizona is in the midst of a major drought as well, along with having record breaking temperatures.  Something that they don’t have a lot of:  WATER.  The state is struggling to develop and manage enough water sources to meet their future needs.  The future isn’t looking good in that regard.

Guess what?  There’s a foreign owned company in Arizona that wetland farms thousands of acres of alfalfa.[4]  They export what they raise as feed.  A foreign owned company.  Wonder what country that could be?  Did you guess Saudi Arabia?  Yes, it is Saudi Arabia.  They grow alfalfa to send back to Saudi Arabia to feed their dairy cattle.  Irrigating in the desert.  Using millions of gallons of water.  Raising alfalfa.  For Saudi cows.

            Nothing speaks to MAGA Republicans like Muslim money and Chinese money.  Now I want to make it clear that it isn’t the government directly that owns the land but rather business enterprises.  

            MAGA Republicans have a couple of faces.  One of their faces loves Saudi money while their other face maligns Muslims.  In Missouri the Chinese also own farmland.[5]  They don’t own near as much as other foreign nations. 

            The reality is that foreign nations don’t own that much land compared to the total amount of land that the United States has.  But is it good policy to allow foreign ownership of land?  MAGA Republicans may bash foreigners in public but they will sure sell them some land and businesses. 

The great unifier for MAGA Republicans?

Money, NOT religion.

             I do want to add some comments in closing lest I give people the mistaken impression that I am opposed to Muslims or any faith for that matter.  This piece was written to showcase the hypocrisy of MAGA Republicans along with their leadership when it comes to singling out Muslims.  Freedom of religion applies to all religion NOT just the Christian faith.  People have the right to be free from religion as well. 






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