Sunday, August 27, 2023

Red State Blues


“Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.”

(2.5 minute read)

Common themes.

            We were out for a drive and passed a sign that said, “Vote Demoncrats Out.”  We live in the Red state of Missouri.  “Trump Won!” and “Election Stolen” signs abound.  Confederate flags are plentiful as well.  I’ve never seen a Biden flag around here. 

            The area that we live in is called the Ozarks.  We live close to the Arkansas border.  Poverty is endemic and generational.  Lots of hungry children, hungry families.  Drug addiction is rampant.  Hovels and expensive houses practically side by side.  There are huge economically depressed areas mixed in around all the tourist attractions.  Lots of minimum wage jobs that won’t provide a decent living.  Lots of churches too.

            Missouri even has seven billionaires out of the couple of thousand there are worldwide.[1]  Most of them claim St. Louis as their residence.  Springfield to the north of us has one. 

Billionaires and poverty.

Cause and effect

            There’s also a common theme among conservatives that I know around here that often come up in conversations I’ve had directly.  They don’t trust government or the colloquial “guvment.”  They don’t trust the police.  The police need to be doing something other than arresting their relatives.  Last week a guy talked to me at length about how corrupt government is.  He flies a Trump flag.  It’s Red state.  He’s a straight ticket voter.  He’ll vote Republican in 2024.  He’ll vote Republican every time because guvment is corrupt.  They have a deep and abiding distrust of the very people they support year after year.

Irony at its finest.


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