Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Deal Breaker.

AI generated pic.

(8.5-minute read)

            There is a sentence in my Boomers Unite post where I talk about questioning one’s sanity in these trying times.  That got me to thinking about what has been taking place since Trump came on the scene.  I watch videos or read news reports of what is going on and think well that can’t be right.  I will watch events in real time and have difficulty believing that the crazy shit that I’m seeing and hearing is accepted as real by large groups of people. 

This time that we’re living in is not normal. 

But it is real.

Distant past

Over the years there were lots of expectations of Presidential candidates and Presidents in terms of acceptable behavior and character.  Being a criminal was generally frowned upon.  Losers were expected to accept their loss.  The winner was generally gracious.  However, Eugene V. Debs ran for the office of President while in prison.[1]  He had been convicted of committing sedition in 2018.[2] 

            In the year 2000 Al Gore ran for president against George W. Bush.  He lost when the Supreme  Court voted for Bush.[3]  Gore took it like a man.

            I can remember in 2004 when a Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean ended his political career because he exclaimed loudly at the end of a campaign speech.[4]  The crowd didn’t even notice, cheered and applauded him.  However his microphone isolated his exclamation and it played very loud to the television audience.  It quickly came to be known as the Dean scream.[5]  John Kerry ended up winning the primary and losing to President Bush.  Dean also took it like man as did John Kerry.

Ah, those were the days.  No so Trump.  He did not step up and accept his loss like a man and has been whining ever since. 

            President John F. Kennedy was the first Catholic to be elected President.  That was a big deal at the time.[6]  President Biden is the second Catholic to be elected President.  There have only been two.  Lots of different religions can claim that one of theirs was President.[7]  Episcopalians are on top.[8] 

            Being divorced and seeking the office of President was also once a big deal.  President Reagan was the first divorcé to win the office.  Trump was the second BUT he wins big in number of times with three.[9]  

            I watch a lot of MAGA videos of Trump and his cult.  I’m always intrigued when an interviewer asks a Trump supporter if there was anything that Trump could do that make them not vote for him.  (It seems there is not.)

Remember when Republicans were all bent out of shape because President Obama wore a tan suit?[10] 

Ah, for the simpler times.

Along came Trump.

            We’ve certainly come along ways in what we say we expect of Presidents. 

            I’m going to start off with Trump’s comments where he told another guy how he raped women, aka the pussy grabbing comments.

“You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.  And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.  Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”[11]

            Then E. Jean Carrol sued him and a jury found him liable for doing exactly that.  The judge called it rape.  In previous decades, that would have been a deal breaker for any Presidential candidate.  You have to go back to the era of slavery and the founding fathers to find another time when raping women was okay.

Not so for the MAGA cult.

What would it take?

            It’s already established that being a rapist doesn’t stop MAGA from voting for Trump.  What else are MAGA voters willing to overlook and excuse from a man that is currently out on bail?  I frequently watch MAGA Trump supporters being interviewed that are asked this question and it turns out that they’ll excuse just about anything.[12]  You name it they’ll excuse it. Murder, rape, fraud, grifting from them, lying, stealing, being bad at business (I’ll get to that in a minute), cheating on his wives, making soft porn films, and on and on.  They’ll excuse it if Trump does it.  Because he says the quiet part of their beliefs out loud.[13] 

            Now people may question murder being in the above list.  We should never forget that MAGA, headed by Trump, caused a couple of hundred thousand people to die needlessly through all the anti-vax and ivermectin bullshit.  Although he didn’t cause the pandemic, he handled it poorly - worse than President Obama or other presidents.  As president he does have immunity from that, including when he’s out of office, even though family members of loved ones lost because of Trump may consider him a murderer.

            I’ve watched interviews where interviewers will read comments that Trump has made or things that Trump has done only they will attribute them to President Biden.  The interviewee will comment about how bad that is.[14]  Then they will be informed that it was Trump that actually said or did it and they will without missing a beat immediately switch position and defend it. 


Trump’s business acumen

Trump wants to take his social media platform public and is currently being sued by his business partners for trying to screw him over.  I got this list from a recent Trump filing reported on by Meidas Touch.  Trump Media along with Digital World is in the process of trying to take Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) aka Truth Social public.[15]  Digital World is also embroiled in lawsuits over who gets how much. 

It’s another massive Trump circle jerk with Trump trying to grift over $3 billion out of the deal.  That would go a long way to solving his cash flow problems.  Unfortunately, greed on behalf of a number of entities is monkey wrenching things up.  There are all sorts of claims and counter claims but mainly Trump is figuring out how he can fuck everybody else and get more money.  Then he can bail.

Personally, I think that Trump will be able to pull it off.  The man knows how to grift and his Trump cult will continue funding his lifestyle and money losing operations.



            Trump Taj Mahal, Chapter 11, 1991; The Trump Plaza, The Trump Castle and The Plaza hotels, Chapter 11, 1992; THCR, founded 1995, Chapter 11, 2004; Trump Entertainment Resorts, (THRC) Inc renamed Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, bankrupt again in 2009.

Trump license agreements failures.

            Trump Shuttle, Inc., launched 1989, defaulted on loans 1990, ceased to exist 1992; Trump University, founded 2005, ceased operations 2011 amid lawsuits; Trump vodka, introduced 2005, discontinued 2011; Trump Mortgage, LLV, financial services, founded 2006, ceased operations 2007;, travel site, founded 2006, ceased operations 2007; Trump Steaks, founded 2007, discontinued 2 months after launch.  Maybe the steaks spoiled in the Mar A Lago cooler.

            Golf Courses

            Trump loves to golf.  As of 2020 he owned 15 golf courses and has lost $315 million dollars on them.[16]  He also had $300 million in mortgages coming due then.


            Between 2000 and 2018 Trump’s businesses overall lost $174.5 million dollars.[17]  He derived his main income from licensing and endorsements, the Apprentice television show, and investments from businesses run by other people. 

            Trump excels at spending and losing other people’s money.  Just as he’s doing in grifting his MAGA followers to spend their money to pay for the lawyers and his plane and Melania and food but not always drinks.[18] 

Trump’s business acumen is grifting.

Here’s the problem.

            Trump has been referred to as a moron by former employees.[19] I covered that extensively in this postIn a 2019 speech as President he claimed that during the War for Independence the Continental army “manned the air” and had “seized the airports” used by the British.[20]  (This would have been in the 1700s.)  Now, like so many things that have happened during the Orange Jesus years this sounds suspect as hell.  Here’s the video. It wasn’t.  OJ really said that.  It was widely reported at the time.[21]  He blamed a faulty teleprompter.

            It’s possible that Trump is a new kind of genius.

A genius moron.

MAGA see, MAGA do.

            Trump refuses accountability for his actions unless there’s praise involved.  Whenever caught in making a bad decision he lays the blame on others or denies that it happened.  Not him.  In his mind or what’s left of it, he has never been wrong, or lost to anyone spite of his record of losing.  Trump can’t accept or acknowledge that he lost to Biden.

            Trump is devious and quite capable of playing the long game.  Trump was planning to overturn the results of the election as soon as it looked like he was losing.[22]  From the very beginning his plan was to delay, deny, lie and avoid the peaceful transfer of power.[23]  It’s always his game plan.  Delay. Deny  Lie.  Attack.  Sue.  Cover up.

Take for instance Trump’s love affair with Puketin.  MAGA fascists don’t hesitate to back Russia’s Puketin over Ukraine.[24]  If Trump gets back in office, we’ll be lucky if he doesn’t attack Mexico.[25] 

            The MAGA cult doesn’t care about any of the this.  Trump has the nature and character that they aspire to have as their own.  Like Trump, they want to get even with those that mock their racism, misogyny, bigotry and rejection of a modern society that they don’t understand.  What Trump says that he believes—they believe. Trump’s pronouncements become MAGA’s beliefs. 

MAGA supports Trump’s attempt to overthrow our government.  MAGA does their best to diminish every aspect of our society as being bad and corrupt.  We are crime ridden.  We are being invaded.  MAGA tells the world that we’re weak and like a third world country. 

            Trump wants revenge on a lot of people, especially a free press.  Trump wants revenge on the American democracy that he lost to.

What Trump is, is what MAGA wants.




[5] The Dean Scream,



[8] Ibid.



[11] Grab them by the pussy comments,

[12] Excusing Trump,

[13] The quiet part out loud,

[14] Trick questions,









[23] Chesebro Fake electors,

[24] T Pay,


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