Sunday, June 16, 2024

Agreeing with Moscow Marjorie


“Republicans across the country and many Americans in general are sick and tired and fed up with a feckless useless Republican Party in conference that does nothing.  They’re completely tired of the committee hearings that do nothing.  The interviews on tele [sic]…these interviews right here.  They are so over it.”[1]  Marjorie Taylor Greene, aka Moscow Marjorie

(2-minute read)


            You know times like this give me hope.  I suppose it was bound to happen.  Moscow Marjorie finally said some things that I agree with.  She quite specifically talked about how useless the MAGA Republican Party is in different interviews.  The below comments were from a Steve Bannon podcast where Moscow Marjorie expressed her views.[2] 

“Today, we should be voting to impeach Joe Biden, because of the invasion in the United States. Oh, but no! None of that is happening up here in Washington, D.C. because Republicans continually have their head up their ass.[3]

This is a new time in America, and I am so fed up, Steve [Bannon]. I am so fed up. I am so sick of it because I know people at home are sick of it. People are sick and tired of a feckless, useless Republican Party that never does a damn thing to stop any of this. They just sit in the boat and row along with the Democrats and row.”  Moscow Marjorie

            It seems obvious from what Moscow Majorie says is that if you want to get something done vote Democrat.  I sincerely appreciate her coming out and stating the obvious.  It would be even better if MAGA was capable of responding to statements from one of their own in an intelligent fashion but they aren’t. 

            But we have to keep in mind that Moscow Marjorie also says that the price of gas is going to go higher when we’re all forced to drive electric cars and that Jesus was a convicted felon too and got crucified.[4] [5] (I’m not sure what she means with that analogy in regard to Trump since Jesus does end up dead at the hands of a mob of his own people.)

            When Moscow Marjorie, along with her fellow MAGA Republicans, took her oath of office, it was not to the Republican Party, or even Trump, it was to this country.

Too bad she can’t seem to remember that.



[3] MTG says in video  Republican Party useless,

[4] Electric cars and price of gas,

[5] Jesus felon,

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