Thursday, June 27, 2024

Batshit crazies

(3-minute read)

In Same-o Same-o I wrote about some of the crazy shit that Trump said at a couple of his rallies after watching them from beginning to end.  I haven’t spent quite as much time watching interviews of MAGA Trump supporters.  If you haven’t watched any of these interviews you should if you want to understand the essence of MAGA.  AdamMockler, Jordan Klepper (The Daily Show), Luke Beasley and the Good Liars all do a good job.

MAGA Believes!

            If Trump wins the election, the same type of MAGA science and truth denying supporters will be running the country.  They will believe anything that they are told except the truth.  Their loyalty is to Trump and MAGA not our form of government.  PERIOD.  They openly support Trump being dictator and/or king. 

            There isn’t anything too bizarre or stupid for them to believe or not to believe.  There are lists aplenty available documenting MAGA cult beliefs.[1] [2] [3] [4]   

Run of the mill crazy. (Partial list.)

  • Trump didn’t lose the 2020 election.
  • All traditional media is fake news.
  • A “Deep State” is running the country.
  • Trump is the Chosen One.
  • Great Replacement Conspiracy that immigrants are replacing real Americans.[5] 
  • Trump is the victim.
  • Masking and vaccines are criminal.
  • The courts are all rigged against Trump.
  • Trump is a genius.
  • Trump is the current President.
  • VP Harris isn’t a citizen.
  • Immigrants are evil.
  • Climate change isn’t caused by humans.
  • Obama wasn’t born in the United States.
  • Mass shootings were/are staged hoaxes.
Batshit crazy (Partial list.)
  • JFK Jr. is alive and will be Trump’s VP.  (Tonight will be a real shocker for them when Trump announces his pick.  It’s quite possible they will believe it is JFK Jr. in disguise.)
  • Dems are drinking the blood of children.
  • The United States has 2 armies.  Trump is running the good army.  Biden is running the bad army.
  • President Biden died in 2018 and the man we see as Biden is a person in disguise. 
  • Former President Obama is actually running the country.

Crazy goes in.  Crazy comes out.

Irrational law.

            Much of the crazy shit you’re hearing is because Q-anon has gone mainstream in the MAGA Republican Party.[6]  Just think about all the crazy garbage that Moscow Marjorie pumps out.

            MAGA Republicans in Congress are parroting this stuff and formulating policies based on the fictitious disinformation that they are promoting.  MAGA says that a Deep State is running things so they’re going to reclassify something like 50,000 civil servants and make them appointed positions based upon fealty to Trump.  As an appointee they can be terminated for anything. 

You know what’s not crazy, though.  The strategies MAGA Republicans put in place to win elections.  They are passing laws redistricting (gerrymandering) and making voting more difficult in Democrat strongholds.  They push same day voting on paper ballots.  Once again we’ll see long lines in poorer neighborhoods.  Same day voting is harder for working people since they only have right before work or after work to vote.  Hence, long lines. 

MAGA crazies want to ru[i]n the country. 

And they will, if we’re crazy enough to let them.







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