Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Richard Pics


(2.5 minute read)

Revenge porn

            Well, here we go again. 

If you’re wondering about what all the Twitter Constitutional dust up is about, I’m going to fill you in as best I can.  I’m not on Twitter so I’ve had to rely on other sources for the low down.  Jim Wright wrote a LOL essay about the latest threat to our Democracy at his Stonekettle Station blog.[1] 

The best way to deal with this latest Constitutional challenge to our democracy is to just rip the Band-Aid off.  In a nutshell it’s about a specific dick.  Male genitalia.  A penis.  Yep.  It seems that back during the 2020 election the Biden campaign asked Twitter not to allow nude pics taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop to be posted.  Twitter abided.  Some of the pics had Hunter Biden’s dick visible.  Evidently, he’s real…healthy…in that department.

We haven’t had this much talk about dicks since the 2016 Republican primaries where Trump talked about dick size and bragged about the size of his dick.[2]  Seriously, major news media covered it.[3]  (If we’re to believe the porno star that he had sex with while he was married it really isn’t that big of a deal.)  Nude pictures of an oiled-up Melania also circulated then.

There were some interesting interactions on Facebook when Melania’s pictures were shared.  LOTs of excuse were made on her behalf and Trump’s as well.  In checking posts and comments then I saw moral outrage expressed by MAGA fascists over people daring to share Melania’s nudes.  They were outraged! 

            There’s a big difference between Melania’s nudes being posted on the internet.  She did her photo shoot voluntarily.  Trump had her strip down for another nude photo shoot on his airplane as well.[4]  Proud to show off his property. 

Talking about the jet.


            Our government wasn’t suppressing anyone’s rights.  Twitter is in the private sector.  For those that might not know, our “freedom of speech” rights are with regard to our rights in dealing with the government, not the private sector. 

            Biden was a private citizen seeking office at the time the request was made to Twitter about removing the dick pics.  Trump was the President at the time. 

Elon Musk took over Twitter and decided that the world needed to see Hunter Biden dick pics.  So, Republican fascists spent the weekend protecting our free speech rights by sharing revenge porn.  These people spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about sex.  Not teaching sex.  LGBTQIA sex.  Pedophile sex.  Pornography in general. 

And now they’re sharing dick pics.

[1] https://www.stonekettle.com/2022/12/a-republic-if-you-can-tweet-it.html

[2] https://yadayadayadablahblah.blogspot.com/2016/10/nswf-xxx-2016-campaign-politicsadult.html

[3] https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/history-donald-trump-small-hands-insult/story?id=37395515

[4] Just scroll and you’ll get the gist if you don’t want to change your cookie settings:  https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/donald-trump-melania-trump-knauss-first-lady-erections?amp;amp;amp;amp;utm_social-type=earned