Monday, December 5, 2022

The quiet part.


(4 minute read.)

“Saying the quiet part out loud.”[1]

            I’m hearing the phrase in quotes more often now as more, and I use the word with some reservation, conservatives like Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, voice their true feelings to a more permissive fascist sub-culture.  Ye is taking a public thrashing over his supportive comments about Nazis and Hitler.  Keep in mind that Ye has also referred to himself as Jesus personified.[2] 

            Should we cut Ye some slack for being diagnosed as bi-polar?[3]  Is mental illness an excuse for praising Nazis or being a bigot?  Nope.  Nazis and bigots can be mentally ill but not all mentally ill people are Nazis or bigots. 

BTW if we’re to believe Trump’s Chief of Staff Trump also expressed support for Hitler.[4] He also voiced admiration for Putin as well.[5]  Trump loves him some dictators.  He wants to be one.  Bad.  A sentiment he expressed on his personal social media account where, for example, he said the quiet part out loud. 

            I was watching a Meidas Touch video by Ben Meiselas and he commented that we needed to stop referring to what is going on in the current MAGA Republican Party as being conservative because there is nothing conservative about it.[6]  It’s fascism. Period.  How did Germans let Hitler happen?  Just look around the world today.  Look at what’s taking place in America.  MAGA fascists taking away rights under the guise of providing freedom – like banning books, threatening teachers, etc.

            This fascist crap has been going on for years now.  Trump simply made it possible for them to come out of their fascist closets in 2016 when he started his run for President.  The Republican Party took them mainstream.  Fascists showed up for Trump from the very beginning and have stayed with him through today.  He just came off hosting a couple of them at Mar a Lago.  They (they being white supremacists, antisemites, Christian nationalists, racists, Confederates, Nazis, incels et al) showed up at Charlottesville[7] where he said that there were very fine people on both sides[8], at his rallies and right up to January 6, 2021 where they showed up with their fascist flags and carried a racist flag into the Capitol.  Freedom!

None of this is new.


            Republicans have been grooming fascists for decades.  They’ve just lost control to the fascists that they created.  Trump brought them close with his first term where he gutted government and was recreating it in his own image.  But he needed a second term to finish the job.  MAGA fascists now comprise half of their half of congress.  They’re just a couple of states away from having a Constitutional Convention where they can rewrite our Constitution to give Trump what he wants.

            They prefer to appeal to their MAGA fascists quietly though.  It’s like Pompeo calling out Jews without using the word Jew.  He did it quietly.  It was coded.  The “Jews will not replace us crowd” knew who he was calling out.  They want to whitewash history because reading about white slavers triggers them.  That’s why they oppose Critical Race Theory (CRT).  They want history to put white people in a more benevolent light.  They don’t want anything taught that casts aspersion on their racist goals.  They oppose the Black Lives Matter (BLM) proponents because black people are acting all uppity again.  Real scientists cause problems for their agenda because climate change mitigation gets in the way of profits.  The right of women to be in charge of their own bodies is an affront to the control they want to exercise over others.  Truthful education doesn’t serve the myth of white exceptionalism.  Teachers are an obstacle to their grooming of a society that they’re in charge of.

What happens when Trump gives the stage to people like Ye and Fuentes is they use their time in the spotlight to state out loud their beliefs in actual uncoded language?  They don’t beat around the bush when it comes to racism, misogyny, bigotry, etc.  Ye doesn’t like Jews.  He uses the name.  Fuentes doesn’t support equal rights for women, LGBTQIA, people of color, etc. and says it right out loud.[9] 

We don’t have to guess who’s coming to dinner at Trump’s place.


[2] Ye as Jesus:


[4] Trump-Hitler did good things:

[5] Trump-Putin’s a genius:

[6] Meidas Touch:


[8] Fine people:

[9] Fuentes beliefs:

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