Saturday, June 24, 2023

Help wanted!

 (1.5-minute read)


ISO a lesser god, one not quite so absolute, more tolerant, more forgiving and less condemning.  NOT the liar or lesser liars.[1]  We have way too many liars already!  Well dressed, well fed, well housed liars.  I need a god that is less violent, less destructive, less complicated, less hostile, less bi-polar, less bureaucratic, less toxic, less psychotic murderer.  That’s the god I need.

A less evil god.

Straight talker

I need a god with less ambiguity and contradiction that’s easier to understand and live by with no need of a self-righteous interpreter or mediator needing me to need them to understand the true message according to them as god’s appointed voice on earth as told to them by god so help them god to encourage their chaos and folly by god.

A simpler god.


            A god that comes with a one-page resume, a couple of rules, a quick start guide and recyclable packaging would be nice.  A god for the times we live in.  A relevant god.  A god for the poor and those that are different.  A god that even the rich can use but not buy or lease at opportune moments.  A god that doesn’t need an endless stream of money.

An affordable god.


[1] John 8:43-44 ESV

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