Monday, September 18, 2023

Good Lord!

(5-minute read)

Cause and effect.

I spent over an hour this morning listening to tiny hands 350 pound Trump so you wouldn’t have to.  I did it for you.  But more on that later.

            I’m reminded of a guy that I knew many years ago.  He was a pathological liar.  The guy lied about everything.  He couldn’t tell the truth even when the truth would have served him better.  As best I can put this society finally dealt with him.  There were inevitable consequences to his actions.  He just had told too many lies to too many people.  The weight of all his lies became too much of a burden for him and society to carry.  Finally, he admitted that he had a mental problem.  It was the only way out of the situations that he had created.

He wasn’t trying to be President.


            The video of Trump that I watched was taken at the recent Pray, Vote, Stand Summit 2023.[1]  The summit was hosted by the Family Research Council.[2]  Now, he also made comments at the Concerned Women for America 2023 summit.[3]  This was the conference where he made his often repeated remark that you need ID to purchase a loaf of bread.[4]  I just wasn’t up for another hour of Trump saying the same things. 

            Both of these conferences were hosted by right wing “Christian” conservatives that believe Trump was/is chosen by God to lead America to being a Christian nation like Russia, Russia, Russia.  (Hm, if Trump was chosen by god, then why did god send a plague?)  The thing that I find interesting about conservative Christians is that at their conferences the applaud and laugh at all the tawdry name calling and denigration that Trump does as he presents his view of a shattered and broken country.

            What prompted this recent bout of Trump watching is that I saw some clips of Trump saying that President Biden is trying to start World War two with Russia.  You read that right. “Two.”  There’s also a clip of him saying that he was running against Obama for President.  He meant to say Hillary Clinton, I’m sure.  It’s easy for some people to confuse the two.  I knew that these were only a couple of snapshots taken from a much longer presentation so I decided to check and see if the man saying that Biden is losing his cognition is in fact a doddering fool himself. 

He isn’t doddering.

Christian leaders.

            Trump is just one of the darlings of Christian conservative fascists. Congresswoman Boebert says that she was directed by god to impeach President Biden.[5]  You know the very same Boebert that was kicked out of a theater for vaping, taking video, singing, waving her arms and getting groped by her boyfriend.[6]  Not to be outdone she groped him right back right there in the theater.  She denied all the accusations until videos started surfacing and then she sincerely apologized for her trashy behavior.  And she has also cited scripture calling for the death of Biden.[7]  Then we have the ever so religious Congresswoman Greene that just recently called for states to secede from the union just like they did during the Civil War.[8]  She’s also God centric.  Lord knows God loves him some slaughter.  

What’s not for them to like about their darlings?


            If I had one of those little mechanical clickers that I could have clicked every time Trump lied during his presentation, I would have worn it out.  He still lies non-stop.  It’s kind of amazing really.  What he’s selling to his eager crowd and they are buying is that he is the one being persecuted and that they’re next.  His freedom of speech is being taken away.  Except it isn’t.  Criminal behavior isn’t protected.  But I digress.

            The man has been whining non-stop since 2016.  It may be that all the years of whining, complaining and playing the poor billionaire victim card are taking a toll.  Poor Melania.  How would you like to listen to that 24/7?  It might be why she avoids being with him.  He’s campaigning on the same old crap that he always campaigns on.  The nation is crap.  He’s going to build a border wall.  The deep state is running things.  The world hates America.  Our military is in ruins.  Science is bad.  Cities are on fire.  Everybody knows he won.  It’s like he was never President and nothing that he did if he had been lasted but he’s the only one that can fix anything with the best people.  When he gets back in office he’s going to get even.

            Trump continually runs our country down for the whole world to watch.  It’s one of his MAGA policies.  He has this weird dystopian view of an America that he has never known considering that he doesn’t even know how a loaf of bread is purchased. 

Trump will claim that America is being laughed at by foreign leaders.  This from a man that was laughed at by the United Nations General Assembly when he gave some fake history during his speech.[9]  That was a first.  Putin praises Trump and commiserates with him about how bad things are in the United States.[10]  Yet another glowing recommendation from a dictator that he admires.

Trump claimed that he would end the war in Ukraine ignoring that Russia was in Ukraine and blowing stuff up while he was President and he did nothing other than praise Putin for being smart.

This is new.  Trump wants to eliminate the Department of Education.  This is another push from his “Christian” base.  In red states they are busily changing curriculums like in Florida and Texas so that they can whitewash history and bring the Christian faith into school so that taxpayers can fund their religious education.

Trump talked about pardoning the people incarcerated because they are political prisoners.  He could have pardoned them all BEFORE he left office.  But he didn’t.  Now he’s an indicted billionaire that had to use a bail bondsman because he didn’t have the cash available.  The bail bondsman is also indicted.[11]

Trump is the John Gotti of politicians.

So far.





[6] Bobert theatrics:

[7] Calling for death:


[9] UN laughter:




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