Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Stealing 24


(3.3-minute read.) 

“Donald Trump appeals to the worse, most base, most shallow elements of his supporters and they love him because he makes it okay to be the very worst version of themselves.”  ~  Jim Wright

Back in the day

            Once upon time long long ago I was active in union politics.  Union politics were ugly.  A group of us went up against the people that were running the union, what we called the Administrative Caucus (AC).  We wanted to make the union more democratic.  We failed. 

There were threats galore including death threats.  There was a drive by shooting targeting our house.  There was vandalism.  Obscene phone calls.  On the job harassment.  They tried unsuccessfully to get me and others fired from the company that we worked for.  They tried to get my wife fired at her job.  (She worked in the insurance industry.)  They threatened my kids.  Nothing was off limits to them.  They did it because in their minds they were the “good guys” so all their dirty deeds were okay.

When we ran for union offices, the Administrative Caucus made up stuff about us.  Lots of stuff.  The union’s International President even got involved.  What we learned during the campaign is that the AC could make stuff up faster than we could answer it.  We were accused of being communists, Nazis, socialists, pedophiles, sexual harassers, etc.  All the usual favs.  Sound familiar? 

The fabricated stuff was ridiculous but we learned that people were accepting the falsehoods that they were spreading against us.  After all, it was union officials that were circulating the “Poison Pen” letters and telling them the untruths.[1]  After winning our lawsuit against the international union we threw in the towel.[2]  People weren’t willing to jeopardize their safety or the safety of their families. 

Threats and intimidation worked.

Un-leveling the field.

            Do we know what to expect in the upcoming Presidential election?  Well, MAGA Republicans are already showing us their capabilities.  Their attempted coup on January 6th is just one example.  They had worked on that for months.  They have been working at un-leveling the voting playing field for decades and stepped up their game since 2016.  They’re good at it.  They have introduced over 150 bills in state legislatures this year alone to restrict voting.[3]  They do this every year without fail.

            The educated younger generation is trending to vote Democrat.[4]  Older generation conservatives are dying off and they’re not being replaced by equal numbers of new young voters.  That’s a problem for the MAGA Republican Fascists so they are in the state by red state process of un-leveling the playing field by making it harder for young people to vote.[5] 

            We know that Beluga Trump is a criminal because he insists upon confessing to his crimes on a regular basis.  We know that Trump tried to steal the 2020 election and that the majority of MAGA Republicans in Congress went along with his coup attempt as do the majority of his followers.  The MAGA Attorney Generals from 17 states joined in the unsuccessful attempt to overturn the election.[6] 

Their oaths of office are meaningless to them.

Blind Justice

The myriad of court cases has proved that MAGA Republicans are bereft of any moral guiding authority; that winning and holding onto their positions and their 250-pound Ducé is their priority.  They have zero respect for our systems of justice and law enforcement.

            They are perfectly willing to obstruct justice and our court system at every turn.  In addition to figuring out how to obstruct justice from prosecuting the criminal Trump for all his myriad crimes MAGA Republicans are also passing legislation to make red states redder.  Though they accuse “Dems” of doing it, MAGA Republicans are trying to defund law enforcement along with our judicial system.  They are trying to eliminate prosecutors that are investigating and then indicting MAGA criminals.

They want justice to turn a blind eye to their criminality.




[4] Cleta Mitchell audio:



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