Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Exit Stage Right

Exit Stage Right[1]

(1.25-minute read.)

Thousands leave MAGA rally while Trump spews.

            BTW Trump said at his Wildwood, New Jersey rally that if people started leaving his rally while he was doing his shtick that it would be time for him to hang it up.[2]  I’ve watched a lot of footage of his rally and people were indeed leaving in droves.[3]  You can hear Trump talking in the background.

            BTW there weren’t eighty to a hundred thousand cult members there.[4]  The venue only holds 35,000 people max.[5]  There might have been 10,000 people there.[6] 

            The way Trump is with numbers it’s easy to see why he thinks the crowd was big.  Perhaps he used his big hands to measure the crowd size.[7]  For those that might not remember in the 2016 debates the size of Trump’s dick and having big hands came up.[8]  Yes, really.  And then he became our President and at the United Nations assembly world leaders laughed at him.  The man is a running joke.  

And the world didn’t know about his date with a porn star yet who said that his dick was average.  (Seriously how often does one get to source a Porn star when talking about a President.) 

            Trump wasn’t a complete dick as President but he came close. 

Time to hang it up.


[1] https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/Exit+stage+right!

[2] Hang it up comment at the end, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aPTWxSlO5c

[3] Raw footage of people leaving rally, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ypuff6LcU04

[4] https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-crowd-size-questions-1899634

[5] https://nj1015.com/trump-rally-crowd-size-estimate/

[6] Small crowd in video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bRj0dDNeX8&t=114s

[7] https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/donald-trump-makes-his-penis-campaign-issue-during-debate-n531666

[8] Ibid

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