Sunday, May 5, 2024




             Let’s start off with this. 

            It is the Republican Party and their policies that made a man like Trump and MAGA possible.

If you’re voting for Trump, you’re not only voting for a rapist, you’re voting for a man that bragged about being able to violate women and get away with it. 

Trump bragged about walking in on naked TEENAGE girls and getting away with it.  Trump’s a disgusting perv.

            After Trump lost the election, he staged a coup and tried to overthrow our democracy.  He was the instigator and leader of the MAGA January 6 assault on our Capitol.  He tried to get his Vice President to stop the certification of the election.  He also tried fake elector schemes with MAGA Republicans.  Trump wanted to use the military to stop Biden from taking office. 

            Trump is a criminal.  That’s why he’s facing all his indictments.  It’s why he’s the first President in American history that had to post bail to stay out of jail and is sitting in a state court while a prosecutor presents the case before a jury, hearing his own attorneys refer to him on the record as Von Shitzinpants.  A jury that Trump is threatening and calling corrupt.  He calls such threats and intimidation free speech.  It isn’t. 

            Meanwhile Trump is still trying to overthrow our democracy and in his own words says that he will become a dictator on “Day one” if he seizes the vote.  And red state MAGA legislatures are doing their best to pass voter suppression laws that will ensure his MAGA victory. 

Our very democracy is being weaponized against us by MAGA.

[ For the entire post go to, www(dot)yadayadayadablahblah(dot)blogspot(dot)com ]

Feel free to copy, paste and share. 

(It’s a 15-minute read.)

The good, the bad, the evil.

"It was almost no trick at all, he saw, to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice. Anybody could do it; it required no brains at all. It merely required no character."

Joseph Heller, Catch-22[1]

            Remember morals?  Remember the pre-MAGA time when Republicans talked like morals were important to them?  Honestly, that hasn’t been entirely true for Republicans for at least a couple of decades now.  Trump is immoral and evil.  Trump wants to champion evil.  There will be a bloodbath if he returns to power.  Hell, he promises a bloodbath if he’s not reelected.[2]  Media immediately makes excuses for the evil violence-encouraging bastard, corrects his English so it sounds like Dementia Don speaks in complete sentences, and then claims he was really talking about the economy.[3]  But MAGA gets his message.  Just like they got it on January 6th.[4]  Evil defines and shapes his dementia.  MAGA not only likes that—they want more of it.  More violence.  More revenge.  More punishment for any that dare to disagree with their Fuhrer and their horrible vision for America.

  • Trump Von Shitzinpants,[5] along with his MAGA cult, caused a couple of hundred thousand unnecessary deaths during the pandemic.[6]  Pure evil.  It was only thanks to a lot of them being MAGA supporters that he lost the election in 2020. 
  • Trump wants to build detention camps that will be necessary to house and feed millions of Mexican men, women , and children prior to deportation.[7]  Detention.  Camps.  What happened the last time a country rounded up millions of people?  Think MAGA won’t do it here?  Pure evil.
  • Trump wants to be a dictator/authoritarian like the leaders he admires, Xi, Un, Orban, Erdogan, MBS, and his most favorite Puketin.[8] 
  • Trump and his spawn stole from charity.[9]  Evil. 
  • How Trump and his White Christian Nationalists have used the Christian faith is not just insulting.  It’s sacrilegious and pure evil.[10]  
  • Trump denigrating veterans is fucking evil.[11] 

            That’s just some of what Trump has done that I consider to be evil.  Other things that he says and does is just disgusting—like talking about dating his daughter Ivanka.[12]  Then there’s just the run of the mill bad stuff like grifting off of his MAGA followers.  They are marks for him to fleece and pay his bills. 

It’s hard to give some of them much sympathy, including the MAGA cult followers serving time for storming our Capitol, because they can be pretty disgusting themselves.  Like the woman wearing a shirt about giving the go ahead to grab her pussy.  Trump wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole, though, no matter how nicely she asked. 

  • Trump can tell his MAGA followers that the 2020 election was rigged and that he actually won because Trump knows they will believe or at least pretend to believe and parrot everything he says.  This is where Trump goes from bad to worse.  Trump said it best when he said that he loves uneducated people.[13] 
  • Trump was laughed at on the world stage.[14]  That’s BAD when representatives from The United Nations are laughing at our President because he sounds like a fool.
  • Trump’s bullying, threating, and intimidating is despicable. 
  • Trump is okay if Red States decide to monitor women’s pregnancy.[15]  REPUGNANT.
  • Trump threatening people’s families is horrible.
  • If Trump gets to be President again, he’s going to eliminate the White House Pandemic Preparedness office (again).  There’s a global pandemic every 15 years.[16] [17]  Regular old epidemics occur a lot more often and have the potential to break out into a pandemic.[18]  Remember how mad Trump was about how President Obama handled the Ebola scare?[19]  
  • Trump just makes stuff up.[20] [21] That’s just bad.  It’s how he impresses himself about himself.
  • Trump hawking bibles is just bad. 
  • There’s Trump University where he stole from people that wanted to be successful like him.  They learned that to be successful they needed to take money from people like them.  Trump settled for $25 million.[22] 
  • Trump selling golden tennis shoes is cringe-worthy. 
  • MAGA wanting to cut Medicare and Medicaid is real bad.[23] 

            Trump and his MAGA cult do so much bad that the list is never ending.  Trump is a truly vile human being with no limits to his obscene behavior. 

            What does MAGA consider everybody that isn’t MAGA? 

The enemy.

Justice delayed …

            Trump is a master manipulator when it comes to our court system.  In all of his trials Trump has had his lawyers file motion after motion along with appeals to higher courts.[24]  Trump has received adverse rulings in the vast majority of his cases.[25]  But his delaying tactics have been successful.  It appears at this point that only Trump’s “Hush Money” trial will go to completion prior to the election.

            Our court system did hold under the Trump MAGA stress test in 2020.  Judges appointed by conservatives, including Trump, as well as liberal judges have held to the law and rules of evidence.  Their rulings confirmed that the election was legit and that there was NO widespread voter fraud. 

MAGA then and now talks about all the evidence they had but have never produced a shred of evidence to any court.  ZERO!  A popular MAGA movie “2,000 Mules” that was shown in churches around the country could not produce any evidence to the courts for their bogus claims.[26]   

This is why Trump trashes our court system.  MAGA wants to change the rule of law to be like that of the Russians where his mentor Puketin tells the courts what he wants and they oblige.

            Trump’s Supremes have already done him a solid.  They have delayed Trump’s trial for his January 6 coup attempt while they decide how immune from prosecution Trump is from his criminal activity.  The delay is what Trump wanted.  It also sounds like the MAGA Supremes are leaning towards giving Trump some level of immunity.  They talked about anything and everything but the case in front of them most of the time.[27]  After all, the MAGA Supremes have to figure out a way to help their rich patrons.  Anything that they do at this point will make things more difficult for the lower courts (except for MAGA friendly courts). 

Trump’s Supremes are in the process of rolling back decades of established law as well as making up new law.  Roe v Wade was just the start.  His Supremes are using their “shadow docket” to keep their actions under the radar of public scrutiny.[28]  This is especially galling when outraged Republicans were previously in the habit of accusing less conservative courts of making new law, like it was a bad thing  Now, it’s not a bad thing, because the Court is doing Trump’s bidding.

Now after using delaying tactics in all of his various court cases Trump whines that justice is interfering with his campaigning.  He says this while he’s campaigning.  Sometimes he golfs on his off-court days.[29]  Golfing is a priority that he said he would give up when he was in office.  He didn’t.  Trump golfed 285 times at an estimated cost to taxpayers of $140 + million dollars.[30]  A record.  Millions of that went into his own pockets because Trump liked to golf at his own golf courses.  Yet another billionaire’s grift of his.  Grifting and lying is Trump’s nature. 

            The bottom line to all of the manipulation of our court system by Trump is that the Hush Money case in NYC is probably the only case that will be tried before the election.  Not the stealing of Top Secret and other Classified Documents Case in Florida where MAGA Judge Cannon is handling the delays with aplomb, with her ridiculous rulings that continually get overturned on appeal.[31] [32]  Not the Election Interference RICO Case trial in Georgia where he was trying to steal the national vote with fake electors.[33]  Not the Jan. 6 Coup Case where Trump staged an insurrection against the Capitol and then claimed he could stage a coup as President and kill people if he wanted because he has Presidential immunity. 


            The case where Trump paid hush money to a porn star and Playboy Playmate to keep his philandering quiet and out of the news so it wouldn’t hurt his chances of getting elected is the case we’re seeing played out.  A case where a porn star has top billing! 

The irony is that we have learned in the time since then that MAGA doesn’t care now and wouldn’t have cared then about his fucking around on Melania anyway.  They also don’t care what the courts rule.

            Trump’s behavior in court is abysmal.  He’s a criminal defendant currently getting away with witness intimidation.  Trump threatens judges, prosecutors, jurors, witnesses, and their families like a mob boss.  Trump getting held in criminal contempt and fined $9,000 for threatening witnesses isn’t even a hand slap for a man like him.[34]  For Trump that’s a teeny tiny campaign expense that he gets to grift off of.  Trump lies when the truth would serve him better.  Sleepy Don falls asleep.

The problem Trump has with the truth is that if he says “yes” that he paid off a porn star and former Playboy Playmate of the month then he confirms to Melania and the world that he was cheating with Karen McDougal when Melania was pregnant with Barron.  Not that that is really that big a deal because Melania was the woman he cheated with when he was married to Marla Maples who was the woman he cheated with when he was married to Ivana. 

Trump cheats.

BTW, Hell hath no fury like when the other woman is scorned herself.[35] 


The laws that Trump’s Supremes are making have less to do with our Constitution and everything to do with their MAGA agenda.  Their emphasis is taking care of the rich and rolling us back to pre-civil war day states’ rights.[36] [37] Good times for rich white people.  But didn’t end well. 

The hearing on Trump’s immunity claim bordered on being ridiculous, didn’t really address what the case is about and misrepresented the lower court’s ruling.[38] 

Does anyone really think that the MAGA Supreme Court is going to stop with putting MAGA in charge of what women do with their own bodies like they did when Roe v Wade was overturned?  MAGA has some real Handmaid Tale shit in the works.  Like monitoring women’s pregnancies.[39]  (Yes, really.)  Media covered for him again by mansplaining what he really meant and they used complete sentences.  MAGA having control of women’s bodies is just the beginning. 

Can eugenics[40] and forced sterilizations for undesirables and the handicapped be far behind?[41]  Trump makes fun of those with disabilities.[42]  Nothing gets attention like talking about removing guys nads and then we’ll see some action.  Not really.  MAGA will think that it’s just other men’s nads that will be removed.  After all, Trump says immigrants from shithole countries are not human, that they’re disease-ridden vermin and rapists.[43] [44]  

            The MAGA Supremes are doing what they can to allow MAGA Red States voter suppression and gerrymandering.[45]  We see long lines in poorer neighborhoods for a reason.  We see Red States restricting mail-in ballots and early voting because Democrats are typically more likely to take advantage of these options.[46]  Red States like Georgia have laws against giving water to people waiting in line to vote.[47] 

            Do what it takes to make the worth of common people matter.


The wind blows.

            First a couple of things about abortion.

#1 The bible is okay with abortions.  Instructions for how to cause an abortion are provided in Numbers 5:19-20.[48] 

#2 In the bible God didn’t hesitate to slaughter men, women, children and babies.[49] 

#3 Genisis 2:7 says that life begins at first breath.[50] 

            Trump is a Red State quisling when it comes to abortion.  He’s had lots of positions.  His position du jour is that it’s a states’ rights issue and that he’s ginger peachy proud to have overturned Roe v. Wade.  He changes positions like a chameleon changes colors and media covers him by saying that he changed his position on that.  But by tomorrow or the next interview he’ll be back to saying he wants to punish women.  Or not.  He has said that women along with doctors should be punished.[51]  (I’ve done several posts at my blog on the issue of abortion.)

Trump is a blowhard.

MAGA Constitutional

            Red State Republicans have been pushing for a Constitutional Convention for years.[52]  If Trump gets in power again expect MAGA Republicans to call for and get a Constitutional Convention where they WILL rewrite our constitution and it will be ugly.  MAGA will take a huge MAGA shit on our country AND the MAGA Supremes would go along with it. 

            Can you imagine what our new constitution would look like with Trump at the head and soon to be President for life like his mentor Puketin.  MAGA Republican Project 2025 would have already been implemented and laid the groundwork for the changes they could make in our Constitution.[53] 

Dump trump and MAGA!


            None of what MAGA is doing in America is normal behavior.  MAGA has simply got our society conditioned and used to their degenerate behavior.  

            I encourage people to read about Adolph Hitler’s rise to power.[54]  The parallels to what is taking place today with the rise of Trump and MAGA are alarming.  It isn’t just Trump.  Republican policies made a man like Trump possible.  It’s why he has taken control of the Republican Party and made it the MAGA Party.

            Feckless cowards from Trump’s Administration like Barr are still going to vote for Trump because he’s the Republican nominee.[55]  They knew from the time they made their negative statements about Von Shtizinpants how unfit and dangerous he was going to be but nevertheless he’s their nominee and they would vote for him.  There are others from his administration that say they won’t vote for him but liked his policies.[56] 

            “Liked his policies.”  As I mentioned at the beginning and throughout this Rant it is Republican policies that made a man like Trump possible.  It’s MAGA Republicans that cheer and applaud his evil pronouncements about what he’s going to do.  What he wants to do is what MAGA already wanted to do.  Hitler could not have succeeded in taking control without the people that believed in him and his immoral ideals.

            Once MAGA gets Mexicans rounded up they can start sterilizations.  For ones lucky enough to get deported they could tattoo them so they could be identified if they tried to return.  After all—they’re not human, they’re animals, vermin, etc according to Trump.[57]  Hitler felt that way about Jews.  BTW how exactly do they intend to tell the good Mexicans from the bad Mexicans do you suppose?  Will they just round up anyone that looks to be Mexican and then sort them out at a future date To Be Determined.  What’s the future hold for us?




            If you read this far thanks for sticking with me.  Feel free to share.

            Our history helps define us and what we are.  Sometimes it changes us.

            The past speaks to us.

We just have to pay attention.



[3] Bloodbath comment,

[4] Invite to Capitol,






[10] Copeland,

[11] Trump insults John McCain,

[12] Trump on dating Ivanka and being a “piece of ass”,

[13] Trump loves the uneducated, Love the poorly educated:

[14] UN laughs at Trump,







[21] Audio of Trump remarks,
















[38] Meidas Touch commentary with Judge Luttig on immunity case,




[42] Making fun of handicapped reporter,

[43] Rapists comment,

[44] Not human, vermin comments, 2m9s,







[51] Trump on punishing women,






[57] Vermin language,

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