Thursday, April 25, 2024

Just talk 240425

            Thanks for dropping by.

            I try to keep in mind that our time here on earth is finite.  Wherever you are, wherever you live, whatever space you’re occupying at any given moment is temporary.  The time we have is all the time we’ll have.  That’s it.  No do overs. 

            For any new readers I want to pass along why I write this blog in a little more detail.  I write because I enjoy writing.  I have no target audience nor am I trying to change anyone’s mind.  I have no schedule for when I post.  It’s just my perspective on things because I believe that it’s important to talk about what is going on in the world.  I’m a retired factory worker that made it to retirement.  I am fortunate in that regard.  So many don’t.  

It’s important that evil is challenged and there’s a LOT of evil walking the earth.  Mine is just one small voice.

            My understanding of the internet and computers is limited.  It took me a loooong time just to figure out how to use Blogspot.  You’ll notice that in my early posts.  Is blogging still a thing or is it old school now?  People like sound bites and memes.  They seem to fit the attention span of modern society.  At least that’s the direction that social media conditioning seems to be directing us. 

            Social media turned out to be decidedly unsocial.  Knowing what the truth is gets more difficult with each passing day.  Now we have AI in the mix along with all the bad actors there have always been.  Reality is altered to suit whatever messaging the architect wants to deliver.  Knowing who or what to trust becomes more difficult with each passing day. 

I strive to be accurate with what I’m writing, using a variety of fact-checking sites.  The problem that we currently have in the United States of America is that there is so much crazy outrageous stuff happening that on the face of it something outrageous seems too implausible to be real yet turns out in fact to be true. 

            The biggest shocker to me in all that has and is taking place is that we have 70 million or so MAGA citizens that don’t believe in our form of government.  Then throw in another 80 million or more that don’t care enough one way or another about our democracy.[i]  Not a ringing endorsement.

Google analytics provides statistics for traffic to my blog.  It’s waaaayyyy too much information for me to make sense of or understand.  I have a mediocre grasp of some of the basics.  One thing is a puzzle.  The readouts currently show a couple hundred views a day from China and Hong Kong with the vast majority coming from Hong Kong.    There’s a problem with that.  The website Blogspot is banned in China.  The average Chinese citizen doesn’t have access.  I understand that people can use VPNs to spoof their location but China seems like an odd choice since it’s banned.  I can’t imagine people taking that kind of risk for a retired factory worker’s blog.

            Zero information is provided by Google about the identity of individual users.

            Other countries show up on a regular basis.  Ireland.  France.  Sweden.  New Zealand.  Singapore.  South Korea.  There are occasional one-offs.  Somebody accidentally wanders in. 

            At first I thought that somebody was just downloading my posts or that my blog was being cloned since a post is only being looked at for a few seconds.  But why do that over and over?  So far, I’ve made 452 posts.  It seems that more than one person is doing it unless it’s just bots doing their bot thing.  I’ve probably provided enough information to show my limited grasp of the internet.

            Anyway, to those that actually read my posts I hope that you have found them interesting or of some value.  Share them if you think that they’re worthy enough. 

Peace be with you.


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