Saturday, April 13, 2024

No Shit, Sherlock

 (2.5-minute read)

“It is absolutely true we see, directly coming from Russia, attempts to mask communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor.”[1] 

MAGA Republican Congressman Mike Turner

“Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.[2]

MAGA Republican Congressman Michael McCaul

"We know that Russia is propagating these false statements and narratives about what's going on in Ukraine.  We know that she [MAGA Marjorie Taylor Greene] is getting her talking points from Russia and we know that they're false.  She was always focused on her social media account.  Moscow Marjorie is focused now on this Ukraine issue, getting her talking points from the Kremlin, and making sure that she is popular and getting a lot of coverage."[3] 

MAGA Republican Congressman Ken Buck

Moscow MAGA

            Good grief and Jesus Christ!  Russia has been with the rapist Trump since before, during and after his first Presidential run and subsequent victory.  That was one of the findings of the Mueller Report.  The problem was that the Trump campaign was too inept to effectively use their assistance.  Buck is brave now because he isn’t seeking reelection.  One of Trump’s first official acts was to “accidentally” give the Russians classified information.[4]  Trump’s only gotten worse.

            The only difference now is that a few MAGA Republicans that are for Ukrainians finally got just enough guts to openly admit what they have known from the very beginning.

MAGA Republicans are patriotic Russians.

Deep crazy.

“You got to get out of college cuz it isn’t nothing but devil worshiping baby blood drinking Democrat donors, love you.”[5] 

Roseanne Barr

            Barr is a frequent star attraction at the rapist Trump’s Mar a Lago club.  She is the type of classy dame that MAGA appreciates.  In addition to being a whacked out right-wing election denying Q anon believer Barr also a Puketin Russian invasion defender.  MAGA!

Barr is a perfect example of MAGA gullibility and stupidity combined.  Those like her are ideal targets of Russian propaganda.  They use social media and right-wing websites to pump out an incredible amount of mis- and disinformation through memes, conspiracy theories, comments, ads, trolling,  etc.  Their MAGA Russian government agents in Congress spread their manure.

The MAGA chaos in the House of Representatives and Senate serves Russian objectives.  They have paralyzed government until they are able to overthrow it for Puketin so that Trump can create a government in his image.  Russia is using their leverage to not only undermine our nation but mock it as well.  MAGA assists by trashing all 3 branches of our government for Dear Leader.

There was a time when Republicans were so scared of Communists that they spent years chasing an imaginary threat all over the country.[6] [7] [8] [9]

Now they’re in love.


[2] Ibid.








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