Wednesday, May 29, 2024

MAGA Inquisition


(6-minute read)

“More people are exploited and abused in the cause of religion than in any other way.  Sex, money, and power all take a backseat to religion as a source of evil.  Religion is the most dangerous energy source known to humankind.  The moment a person (or government or religion or organization) is convinced that God is either ordering or sanctioning a cause or project, anything goes.  The history, worldwide, of religion-fueled hate, killing, and oppression is staggering.”

I have taken the above words written by Eugene H. Peterson in his bible “The Message” out of context.  They are from his Introduction to the book of Amos.  The words just seemed to me to resonate for the times we find ourselves living in.  



There is a lot of concern being expressed about where we will go from here as a nation.  Historically and up until today theocracies have been known for their evil works of death, hate, exclusion and suppression. 

The rapist Trump takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade.[1]  The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) might have a slightly different take on that but after all, Trump did appoint 3 of them.  We’ll get back to the SCOTUS and how they are redefining our democracy in a minute.

The MAGA Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos used in IVF are people.[2]  Yep, that’s what they did.  Now couples using In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to get pregnant are in legal chaos as to what to do next.  The problem.  IVF doesn’t always work.  I know people that tried IVF several times without success.  Uh oh, in MAGA world that means that someone committed murder.  MAGA doesn’t believe in science unless it can be used against someone.

MAGA governs by chaos.

Zygote personhood

MAGA is also busily passing or trying to pass personhood laws.[3]  What that means for them is that human beings, including frozen embryos, have full rights from the time of conception.  MAGA is already trying to outlaw some methods of birth control because they can be used to prevent pregnancy.[4]  They can also be used to induce labor when necessary.  So MAGA will start singling out some kinds of contraception as being illegal and others will follow.  There’s always the rhythm method.

MAGA wants a Christian theocracy.  It’s what MAGA Republicans mean when they talk about running government with their brand of Christian Nationalist values. 

Hate the so-called sin.  Hate the so-called sinner.

Professional victims.

Well, how about a nice MAGA style American Inquisition since MAGA “Christian evangelicals are a major group supporting their anti-Christthe rapist Trump? 

If we are to believe the MAGA Republican Party and evangelicals there has been a “war on religion” in this country and they are the victims.  There are estimates that the majority of rightwing evangelicals still support the serial rapist “you can grab them by the pussy if you want” Donald Trump.[5]  A jury convicted him of doing exactly that.[6]  

There’s a surprise.

God PAC Fascists

The Christian faith is in decline.[7]  For real.  The MAGA conservative wing of the Christian faith refuses any and all attempts to do away with their oppressive and exclusionary beliefs.  They reject attempts that will lessen their political power.  They want more.  But their message of fear, intolerance and hate isn’t selling like it used to.  In order to turn their decline around they want the political power necessary to force their religion upon others.  Political action in the secular world by using their wealth and influence is providing them the opportunity to do that.

MAGA Christo fascists made the decision to throw in with Trump or any of the little Trumps waiting in the wings and strutting their stuff in 2024.  They are puffed up and ready to go.  AND they are willing to get into bed with anyone to accomplish their goals.  ANYONE.  They didn’t get in bed with Trump …

They laid hands on him!


There are lots of other hate groups that got into bed with Trump.  He has a King-sized bed. 

MAGA Evangelicals joined with white nationalists, the alt right, and other hate groups to voice their beliefs on the internet where they air their grievances and distribute a truly incredible amount of propaganda, fear, disinformation and misinformation.  Though the rapist Trump as well as the MAGA Republican Party have at various times denounced white nationalists they continue associating with them and using their support at the ballot box.  

The point is that MAGA messaging resonates with hate groups.  They understand the code.  They champion the direction that MAGA is embarked upon. The white nationalist’s agenda didn’t take long to take root because the soil was already prepared, fertilized, and watered.  They were just waiting for the green light.

MAGA gave it to them.

Learning curve.

The MAGA Republican Party was in charge of the government prior to the 2020 election.  For two years of the MAGA administration had all three branches of government.  Fortunately for the nation Trump was still partially hamstrung by the regulatory guardrails put in place over the decades.  Trump blew through those but it took time.  By the end of his administration, he had fired many of the people that were stopping him from committing illegal acts.  Take for instance that violating the Hatch Act is breaking the law.  Guess what?  No penalties.  So, Trump permitted Hatch Act violation campaign activities at the White House.[8] 

Former Vice President Mike Pence is a rightwing religious hack.  Meaning he is hard core take no prisoners religious right.  Science be damned.  He’s a young earth creationist believer.[9]  MAGA Christians evangelicals want biblical creationism taught in schools.[10]  They aren’t believers in evolution either and there’s a whole lot of science that they reject outright. 

Yet another surprise.

Next time.

Why did the framers of the Constitution provide for 3 branches you might ask? It was to ensure that the federal government would not fall under the control of any one group. (They didn’t have political parties then.) Power, if we are to believe the examples throughout history, tends to corrupt.

We got real close to losing it all for the first couple of years of the Trump administration.  Fortunately Trump and the MAGA Republicans were too inept to pull off all the changes that were needed to create their Christian fascist utopia.

What do you think?  Think we’re almost there?  Think that absolute power will corrupt anyone or group like MAGA?  MAGA Republicans will consolidate their power and steamroll over any opposition?  

Where does the government of the people go from here? A people governed by a multitude of millionaires and billionaires.  Will they be benevolent dictators?  Examples of history provide the answer. 


[1] Trump kills Roe v. Wade,




[5] Grab them by the pussy comments,






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