Monday, May 4, 2020

No shirt. No shoes. No service.

Advanced Civilization.

        There was a trial a few years back of a guy that had AIDS, knew it and was still having sex with other people. To make matters worse he was a swinger. He got caught was charged, tried and found guilty. A person can’t legally do that. In addition to being legally wrong it’s morally wrong. It is one sick, despicable, piece of crap person that that would knowingly and wantonly do something like that. They probably served their time and are out of jail now. Medical science has advanced enough to keep AIDS mostly from being an immediate death sentence.
        I read another post from a President Trump supporter using the ol’ automobile comparison. You know the one. So many people die by cars each year but we don’t ban cars. This was followed by more equally inane comparisons. The interesting thing is that there are laws on the books governing everything mentioned on the list. Everything.
        If a person drives a car while intoxicated, gets in an accident and kills someone they are going to be charged. There are laws on the books dealing with drunks that drive. Aren’t their Constitutional rights being violate.
    States, cities and counties have health departments and they in turn have laws that they enforce. So really there isn’t anything new taking place. The nation has had to enforce quarantines from time to time over the years, including during the Spanish Flu pandemic. There were people even then that didn’t want to wear masks.

        There is no Constitutional right to kill and endanger others. It now appears that conservatives in general support the right to do just that. They don’t want to respect the rights of business owners to require people to wear something as simple as a mask to protect others from them. They say that is a violation of their rights. The law is what they say it is.
        I remember when the first health regulations came into being (in the 70s, I believe) that required restaurant patrons to wear shoes and upper body clothing (along with covering below-the-waist parts). These regulations resulted in the now ubiquitous signs stating: “No shirt, no shoes, no service.” Why haven’t those rabid diehard Constitutionalists been grabbing their guns and storming Capitols to demand their rights NOT to wear shoes and go shirtless?! They’re obviously leaning that way already. Why haven’t they been demanding their rights to drive as fast they want to on their roads?! If other people don’t like that then they should just stay off their roads! How about their Constitutional right to smoke! Laws are for little people! The deaths of others is an infringement on their rights until they themselves need to go to an ER or ICU.
        They are anarchists.

        Then there are other lists being provided showing the number of deaths caused by other historical events including wars. The Viet Nam war is now being left off of those lists since the recorded number of deaths from COVID-19 have now exceeded the number lost during the war. President Draft Avoider Bone Spurs missed that war. These comparisons are done to make the numbers of deaths that we have so far seem far less consequential. They call this keeping things in perspective.
        What these kinds of lists do is avoid focusing on what is actually taking place. Hospital Emergency Rooms (ERs) and Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are being overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. There isn’t room for all those that under normal circumstances would be going to ERs and ICUs. The problem is that we’ve had so far 70,000 people die in just 2 months. Add onto that all the sick from COVID-19. Add onto that those that will continue to have medical problems from the disease with additional people needing rehabilitation. All of this is over and above what is usually taking place. Then add onto that Doctors, Nurses, EMTs, medical technicians and others on the front lines are catching the disease and some of them are dying. This is not usual and not normal and has been going on for weeks with weeks to go yet.

Looking for work.
        When this is pandemic is over or even abates enough for health care workers to take a breather there are going to be a whole lot of vacancies in the health care industry and not just from deaths. People are going to leave that profession and look for a less dangerous line of work. Understandably some of them did not know that they were signing on for something like this. They did not know that the leadership of their country would hang them out to dry.
        You know who will be tapped to fill some of those job vacancies including the essential low wage ones? Immigrants. That will put a hardship on racists. But this nation has traditionally turned to immigrants to fill difficult jobs. You know like the jobs that Hispanics are doing now.

Homeward bound.
        We’ve seen some new faces down here at the lake this weekend. They’ll be heading back now. Some will be passing through from other states. Coming from the beaches, the countryside and the big cities. Some will stay here. The unseen passenger will be traveling with some of them.

Did the passenger hop off at your place?

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