Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Rule of Lies.


Picture titled, Truth Bringing Republic and Abundance, Nicolas de Courteille

(4 minute read.)

The TRUTH of the matter.

            The quote below is taken from the Executive Summary of the 72 page “LOST, NOT STOLEN:  The Conservative Case that Trump Lost and Biden Won the 2020 Presidential Election” dated July, 2022 and produced by eight conservatives, Senator John Danforth, Benjamin Ginsberg, The Honorable Thomas B. Griffith, David Hoppe, The Honorable J. Michael Luttig, The Honorable Michael W. McConnell, The Honorable Theodore B. Olson, and Senator Gordon H. Smith.[i]  They investigated claims of fraud made in each of the contested states. 

            States should continue to do what they can do to eliminate opportunities for election fraud and to punish it when it occurs. But there is absolutely no evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election on the magnitude necessary to shift the result in any state, let alone the nation as a whole. In fact, there was no fraud that changed the outcome in even a single precinct. [Emphasis added.] It is wrong, and bad for our country, for people to propagate baseless claims that President Biden’s election was not legitimate.

            The above is just the latest in a long, long series of affirmations that Trump lost and Biden won the 2020 election.  These legal eagles, though they start off supporting more legislation to combat practically non-existent voter fraud, went through every cockamamie claim by the lawyers of Trump and showed why they lost in court—all the courts in all the contested states up to and including the United States Supreme Court.  64 court cases re-investigated.  Guess what?

It just doesn’t matter.


            It’s easier to believe a lie than the truth if you want to believe the lie and the truth isn’t something you value.  The Trump Republican Party knows that if nothing else they can depend upon the willful ignorance and gullibility of Trump’s base of support—the MAGA heads.  

            By believing or at least saying that they believe The Big Lie they are showing fidelity to their liege while protecting their way of life from socialism and whatever boogeyman du jour they fantasize about committing violence upon.  In Trump World they are patriots for believing the Big Lie! 

The conservative Republican men and women now testifying against Trump were his supportive enablers when he was in power.  They continue to champion his White Nationalist policies and agenda.  Many, though testifying against him under oath, continue saying that they will support him; that the man who staged a coup to overthrow our form of government is still somehow better than President Biden. 

He isn’t.


            Here’s what the loyal Republicans that wrote the report referenced showing that President Biden won have to say about themselves and their liege, you know, the man that tried to overthrow the government by staging a coup: 

“Every member of this informal group has worked in Republican politics, been appointed to office by Republicans, or is otherwise associated with the Party. None have shifted loyalties to the Democratic Party, and none bear any ill will toward Trump and especially not toward his sincere supporters.”

How is it possible for so many millions of Americans to get to the point where they’re willing to accept the lie that Trump won and Biden lost the Presidential election in view of the overwhelming mountain of evidence that conclusively proves President Biden won?

Decades before Trump assumed control of the Republican Party, they had been laying the groundwork for conspiracy theories going mainstream with their constant made up intrigues involving the Clintons.  They then broadened their lies to President Obama with their birther stories.  As social media developed so did the party’s ability to spread misinformation.  Trump with his seemingly infinite capacity to lie jumped on the bandwagon.  Evangelicals, longtime participants and supporters of the Republican Party, threw in with Trump when he flipped on abortion in order to gain their support.  Republicans have remained constant for decades in making false claims about the integrity of our election process.  As far as the Trump Republican Party is concerned you can’t say enough bad things about our form of government and its institutions.  As a result of their conditioning the majority of Trump supporters would secede from the United States.  They reject the findings of the court.

They reject the rule of law

[i]  The report can be downloaded from this link.