Friday, July 15, 2022

Hear ye! Hear ye!

(3 minute, 15 second read)

Words matter.

            I want to say that if you are interested in the future and fate of our nation, it would serve those interests to watch the hearings of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol.  Be a part of the millions that have watched the hearings in their entirety.  Republicans are providing most of the testimony including those from Trump’s inner circle—men and women picked by Trump.

            Some of my blog posts are repetitive but I believe that it’s important for people to tell the truth as often as Trump world lies every day.

Words matter.

In a word

            Have you been watching the hearings of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol?  They have been something to behold.  In the past I have found hearings to be let’s just say not the best TV to watch.  Lots of bombast and hyperbole.  Sometimes informative.  Sometimes not.  These hearing have been well-produced without any notable glitches that I have seen.  It has just been bombshell after bombshell, like those dropped by Cassidy Hutchinson in hearing number 6.  In a word they have been


Trump World

            Until these hearings I did not realize how close Trump’s coup attempt came to succeeding.  They really were as close as a gnat’s ass cheeks to pulling it off.  

            As I’ve said before, an important aspect, at least to me, is that the people testifying are coming from Trump World.  The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the United States Capitol star witness Cassidy Hutchinson said that she was “proud of our accomplishments” in referring to the Trump Administration.  She, like the majority of witnesses to appear before the committee, is a staunch Republican.  Keep in mind that the “policies” of the Trump Administration resulted in a few hundred thousand needless deaths due to how they handled the pandemic and that the rich came first.

These are not people whose politics and policies I care for.  Congresswoman Cheney’s politics I abhor practically across the board.  But she is probably going to lose her position in Congress in order to do the greater good in service to her nation.  The MAGA head Republicans in Wyoming will not vote for her because she stood up to their wannabe dictator Trump.  Congressman Kinzinger isn’t even attempting to hold onto his seat because the backlash from MAGA heads has been so intense.  Speaking the truth in the Trump Republican Party is purchasing a high-speed rail ticket out of town.  MAGA Heads aren’t interested in knowing the truth.

They can’t handle the truth.

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

            As it turns out, much to my surprise, Trump did want to get to the Capitol and threw a Trumpy tantrum because his Secret Service (SS) detail wouldn’t let him.  BTW, what a fortuitous turn of events that turned out to be.  Ironically, his fellow coup plotters made the situation too dangerous for Trump to go even though they were gunning, literally, for VP Pence, Pelosi, AOC and a few select others.  It turns out that the SS also worries about collateral damage should someone attempt to assassinate the President and murder others in the process.  So, when Trump said that he was speaking metaphorically about walking with the seditionists he was lying to cover up the real reason for not being with them. 

            Trump’s agent, Ornato, did try to get Pence’s SS detail to spirit Pence away from the Capitol but he was unsuccessful. Turns out Pence and his team didn’t trust the SS to do what Pence wanted—remain where he could do his duty.  So, Pence was able to stand up to the SS but not Trump. 

Irony upon irony.