Thursday, July 21, 2022

Ugly xs coming

(This is a 10 minute read.  If you go to the links in the end notes you could spend a half hour reading or more.  Some of the links are to videos.)

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”[1]

Tea leaves

            Most people can predict the future.  Some will be better at it than others.  We’re better at predicting our daily lives; what we’ll be doing tomorrow or a week from now.  Not everything, just certain aspects.  We can predict that we’re going to eat, sleep, work, not work, be at certain places, with a high degree of success.  Often, we can see a friend or family living the kind of lifestyle that prompts the utterance, “Well that isn’t going to end well.”  Sometimes we’ll see an activity preceded by a hold-my-beer type of phrase where we know that no good will come of this.  Have you ever done that?  Well, you have predicted the future. 

            In my previous life I predicted that the Boeing Company would sell its Wichita facility.  I was ridiculed by some for making that prediction.  Boeing sold the facility.  I also predicted the financial meltdown of 2007-2008 a couple of years in advance. 

            Care to predict the future of America?  What does the future hold in store for the nation?  What will the next two or three years be like?  Perhaps you’d rather not.  Can’t say as I blame you.

Things don’t look good.


The Trump Republican Party (TRP) will probably take over congress in the midterm elections.  History says that will happen.[2]  Coming on the heels of a pandemic, and economic downturn and war in Europe things aren’t looking good for the ‘man in the streets’ or in entire families.

As Republicans have done in the past, they will do in the future only more so.  The country should be run like a business.  Profit not morality should be the governing principle of the nation.  Government of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy.  Anything proposed to help working people will be called socialism.  For Trump Republicans those that aren’t them will be:

Enemies of the state.


            I think, before I get too deep into this, that we first need to have some kind of basic understanding about what the Trump Republican Party (TRP) is in terms of agenda and make-up.  For the most part it is an amalgam of people with self-serving interests and goals, the majority of whom are white.  It’s why I chose the heading aMErica that I have seen in other writings.  The emphasis for MAGA heads is on the individual as in “nobody tells me what to do.”  In championing the will of the individual, they ignore what’s best for society and the well being of humanity.

            They are individual repositories of contradictory beliefs.  No one can tell them what to do with their bodies when it comes to something as simple as wearing a mask or getting a vaccine but they are perfectly okay with requiring a woman or ten year old child to carry a fetus full term.  No exceptions.  They want to defend their children with guns but not from guns.  They are red, white, and blue flag waving patriots that think overthrowing the government is okay and are willing to secede from the union if they don’t get their way.[3]

            Think that the United States can’t come apart again?  Prior to 1991 I would have said that the chances of the U.S.S.R. coming apart were slim to none.[4]  It came apart almost overnight though it was years in the making.  We got to watch it on TV.  Kinda’ like what we’re watching on TV and social media today.

MAGA heads want it to happen.

More of the same

It’s going to cost more to live. 

            No one is immune from Putin’s war in Ukraine.  Food and gas prices will go up and down like they always have but they’re going to be going up more and down less.  It isn’t just here in this country either.  It’s happening around the world.[5]  It’s happening in developed countries.  It is happening in under-developed countries.  Supply chains are still broken.[6]

Yes, things are bad.  They’re going to get worse.

We’re at war.

Flipping on Ukraine

During the pandemic the TRP, including the Evangelicals, came out for getting people back to work and unmasking as being more important than dying.  After they’re in control, the Putin wing of the TRP will do their best to help Trump’s buddy Putin by pulling out of Ukraine and continuing to undermine NATO.[7]  They’ll do like they did during the pandemic and start saying that our economy is more important than spending money on war material for Ukraine.  Supporting democracy is way down the list of the TRP. 

Hell, they tried to overthrow ours.

You don’t say

            Don’t worry.  Be happy.  Just don’t be gay during a Trump Republican Party administration.

            The TRP will continue with their anti-LGBTQIA agenda.  They’re just getting started with trans gender people and will work through the entire LGBTQIA crowd.  Don’t ask, don’t tell is being replaced with don’t say,

don’t be.

Cities on fire

            Trump MAGA heads have a dystopian view of America, i.e. leftists are burning down cities, there’s an invasion of brown skinned immigrants pouring across our border to rob, loot, pillage, rape and kill.  Mind you, they want the immigrant economic slaves in the fields, packing houses, restaurants, hotel industry, gardeners, construction trades, etc. but they want them kept hostage to low wages by keeping them in line with bondage paperwork.[8]  Trump said that he wanted to do to Mexico what Putin is doing to Ukraine.[9]  Trump and his MAGA heads want to kill more people than they did during the pandemic, lots more people.[10]


            Racism is not only alive in this country it’s flourishing.

            White supremacists have their ‘Great Replacement Theory (GRT)[11].’  Their opposition has Critical Race Theory (CRT).[12]  It isn’t an accident that proponents of the GRT vehemently oppose proponents of the CRT and education about this nation’s history of racial inequality, slavery, and servitude of minority groups.  Education is the enemy of authoritarianism.

            From the very beginning Trump energized white supremacist groups including Christian Nationalist evangelicals.  They are a substantial portion of his core base of supporters.  They understand the policies and agenda of the Trump Republican Party (TRP). 

            There will be a lot more activists going to jail in the coming years as the TRP continues, with the support of Trump’s Supremes, clamping down on civil protests.  What do they want?  More white power! When do they want it?



Trump Justice Thomas along with his sedition-participating wife seek to roll back decades of legal precedents that have provided for the protection and advancement of minorities to be able to be full and equal participants in our society just like the preamble says.[13]  Justice Thomas says that abortion was not mentioned in the Constitution so a law couldn’t be passed to protect a woman’s or girl’s right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.[14]  Neither were climate change, the environment, speed limits, smart phones, radio, television, interracial marriage, contraception, consensual sex between adults, disease, food safety, etc. yet we have laws governing all these things.  Laws for them to undo as they lead us to the government of petty tyrants like Trump.  

            The Trump Supremes like to portray themselves as being ‘originalists’ when it comes to interpreting and applying the Constitution.[15]  What they are doing is applying the constitution in ways that fit their personal agendas including Christian Nationalism.  They’re just making it up as they go along.

How original.


            Since I brought up Trump’s Supremes now is as good a time as any to bring up the issue of abortion.  Christian Nationalists will next be pushing for the Supremes to designate personhood to a fetus and they will probably be successful.  The ramifications of what that one ruling will bring about are staggering to consider.

            Forget the state’s rights that the TRP has used to make abortion illegal in red states.  The TRP will push to make abortion illegal nationally through Federal legislation.  They will enable private citizens to serve as the Christian Nationalist police force to keep track of pregnancies and those that they think are getting abortions because it will be considered murder and women as well as providers can and will be thrown in jail.

How about a nice inquisition!

Christian power

            Christian Nationalism will continue to flourish under the TRP.  This despite the fact that President Trump only went to church 14 times during his presidency[16], refused to say the Apostle’s Creed at the funeral service of President H. W. Bush[17] and doesn’t believe in asking God for forgiveness.[18] His former attorney Michael Cohen said that Trump thinks Evangelicals are dumb and worse.[19] 

            Trump gave them what they wanted though—power.  Like getting our tax dollars to pay for religious education.  The TRP will give them more.  When Christian Nationalists talk about religious freedom they are talking about their religious freedom.  Trump or their next “Chosen One” will give them more of the same.

The warp drive is cold.  

            Climate change caused by human actions will continue whether the TRP believes it or not.  Doing anything about it will come to a standstill and we weren’t doing much to begin with.  Miami is going to have to be under 6 feet of water, the Midwest a desert and a virus wipe out half our population before they even consider the possibility that science might be right and able to help. 

That will be just a tad too late.


            The TRP will bow down to their idol and impeach President Biden.  It doesn’t matter that he hasn’t committed an impeachable offense, like, say… try and overthrow the government or blackmail a foreign power, but they have to get even for Trump.  They will take petty vindictiveness to a new level.  They’ll go after Biden’s family and friends.  They’ll have lots of investigative committees.  They will diligently pursue every way there is to keep the Biden Administration from accomplishing any good for the American people just like they shut Obama down.  Chaos, misdirection and lies are their tools of choice.  They have to get back to the business of taking care of the traitor to our nation Trump and his rich friends. 

Because that’s what Trumpublicans do.




[5] It’s Putin’s fault.


[17]  Link to Trump and Melania not saying the Apostles Creed.

[18]  It took awhile for Trump to answer the question but he finally said no.

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