Saturday, February 11, 2023


Hey let’s be!

            Okay it just wouldn’t be right to write about President Biden’s State of the Union (SOTU) speech and not comment about Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders Neo-Republican Fascist response since she was the designated spokesperson.

It was wonderful!

New Generation

“A new generation of Republican leaders are stepping up.”

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders

            We saw them!  Some of them were heckling the President during the SOTU speech!

 “The dividing line in America is no longer between right or left,” Sanders said from the governor’s mansion in Little Rock. “The choice is between normal or crazy.[1]

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

            Isn’t that great?!  Really!  I agree with her 100%!  Here’s a picture of one of the NRFs new leaders.

            Oops!  Wrong picture.  Well, maybe.  We haven’t heard what he has to say yet.  I really don’t understand the NRFs faux rage about Santos lying.  Trump has been lying nonstop for years and they LOVE him.  Hm, I wonder if Santos golfs?


            It’s none other than the-Jews-are-starting-forest-fires-in-America-with-space-lasers-Christian-Nationalist[2] herself Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene hell bent on leading America to govern under her Christian values.[3]  This is one of the people that Sanders said is going to provide common sense to leadership.  In the above picture she’s wearing a $500 coat and shouting “Liar” at President Biden when he said that there were some Republicans that wanted to cut Social Security.  BTW super NRF Senator Mitch McConnell said that what Biden claimed was true.[4]  Problem is the old Mitcher also has said that the only way to fix Social Security and Medicare is through cuts.[5] 

America Under attack!

She also said that America is under attack.  She is 100% correctamundo on that.  The Neo-Republican Fascists attacked our Capitol on January 6, 2020.  AND the NRFs are backing the head and leader of the coup to overthrow our government in the 2024 presidential election one P-A-B Donald Trump.  Here’s a picture of the Man leading the coup attempt to overthrow America.


            It’s kind of amazing how sympatico I am with Gov. Sanders, a woman who pulled herself up by her own bootstraps. (Sarcasm.  Should I point that out more?)

What do Trumpers think of her rebuttal?

“Don’t get me wrong. The wokeism is very important. But it’s not quite the heart of the matter right now, right? It’s not the heart of the matter. She is not–and the reason is she’s just not–she’s not intellectually capable of going to the heart of the matter, right? Let’s be blunt.”

Steve Bannon[6]

            That seems a little harsh.  Well, it is true that she didn’t mention Trump’s name once in her rebuttal when talking about their new leaders BUT hey! She did allude to him.  He is a little old.  Sanders mentioned that she’s young (40) and Biden (80) is historically old.  No ageism there.  Trump at 76, is practically a youngster compared to Biden. 

So let’s keep things in perspective here.


In case you felt a rift in the force, Chick-fil-A has introduced a cauliflower sandwich to their menu.[7]  Militias have been placed on standby.  I fear for our nation.



            OMG there is just so much irony in Gov. Sanders’ rebuttal.  A woman from the red state that ranks 41st in education said that young Republicans like her are going to improve education.[9]  In order to improve education she banned some books and words in the name of freedom.  Teaching history about slavery triggers them so they’re going to deal with racism by making it illegal to talk about it.  NRFs want to cancel black culture AND they really, really (one more), really object to people saying Black Lives Matter.

Education sans education!

More dirt

            Sanders talked about God and love while name calling and saying things like Democrats are “…a woke mob that can’t even tell you what a woman is.”  Jesus wanted her to say that.  You know, I think that she gave just the right touch of Christian Nationalism to her rebuttal.  She used just enough code to deliver the white part without having to wear a hood.

            Sanders claimed that President Biden is putting our nation and world at risk.  I kid you not.  Now, I would have thought that Putin, Xi or Un would have qualified but no.  She picked Biden.  You know, the guy that helped put NATO back together after Trump tried to take it apart.  That guy.  The guy that is against Putin because he invaded Ukraine with Xi and Un helping him.  Three men that Trump loves.[10] 

Okay, okay I don’t really know if Trump loves Putin or Xi.  He really only said that he loves Un and exchanged love letters with him.  Seems a little twisted but there you are.  P-A-B Trump is after all a NRF.  He just thinks that Putin is a great leader and asked Xi for help in getting reelected.  The heart wants what it wants.

In the meantime, President Biden has reestablished the United States as a leader of the free world.  NRFs like Sanders call this weakness.  BTW Russia was in Ukraine when Trump was President and he did nothing other than agree it was okay for Putin to have what he seized.  Trump, excuse me, Putin may want to invade Poland and Moldova next but that’s his business according to NRFs and nothing to us.  America didn’t have the opportunity to stop Hitler before putting boots on the ground.  Appeasement didn’t work with Hitler.  Now, we have the opportunity to stop Putin by supporting Ukraine and providing material support.  What I am going to say next will trigger NRFs.

Slava Ukraine!

Talking trash


Current Trump aid found with classified material on a laptop.[11]  NRFs respond with outrage about Hillary’s email and Hunter’s laptop dick picks.  Film at 11!  No dick pics.


            Are you living in fear?  NRFs spokesperson Huckabee Sanders said that the American public is living in fear.  Well, we do have armed citizens running around everywhere in unprecedented numbers thanks to NRFs.  That hasn’t stopped mass killings but even with that I don’t believe that the vast majority of Americans are living in fear.  It isn’t our nature.  But maybe that’s just me.  I am fearful I could be wrong.  (I’m not)

            What else?  Oh yes, Sanders said that people don’t want to be governed.  So much for the rule of law.  However, NRFs do want the government to be in charge of what women do with their own bodies.

            In her rebuttal Gov. Sanders talked about what President Biden inherited and how good it was.  I hate to be critical here but I think it’s within the realm of possibility that Jesus would want me to say this: what planet is she living on?  Okay, you’re right.  Jesus wouldn’t want me to say that.  But since NRFs are playing the Jesus card I feel a certain obligation to drag him in on our side but then I realized that Jesus didn’t take sides because he wasn’t a fucking White Christian Nationalist!

            Biden inherited a crashed economy because of the pandemic.  The pandemic wasn’t Trump’s fault.  (How he handled it is.)  He inherited broken supply chains that still haven’t been repaired.  The list goes on but what Biden has done and did do is list positive accomplishments and invite Republicans to join in and improve the lives of working Americans and the poor by making the economy fair to them.  Crazy, right?  Sign me up for that kind of crazy!

The truth is that Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders said it best and yet again I am in complete agreement with her.

“The choice is between normal or crazy."













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