Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Full backal

Naked and unafraid

            Do you remember Terry Bradshaw?  He’s a former NFL quarterback from years ago.  Quite the character too.  He transitioned from football to entertainment including some acting roles.  He was in “Failure to Launch” with Matthew McConaughey. 

            Well, he was interviewed by Chris Wallace.  In the interview Wallace asked him about a famous movie scene where he appeared in the nude.  (You can view the Wallace clip here.)  Full backal nudity as opposed to full frontal nudity.  According to Bradshaw in his response it was a favorite scene of his and he knew that it would get a lot of attention.  Indeed, it did. 

Bradshaw remarked that the movie came out on Friday and that on Sunday the pastor of the church that he had attended regularly for years gave a sermon about what a bad person he was, how much he had sinned and how he was a bad example.  He said that he never returned to that church.

            In reading up on Terry Bradshaw I learned that he had a Southern Baptist background and is a devout Christian.  I couldn’t verify if he still goes to church.  I can certainly commiserate with what he went through.  In my hippie days upon returning to the church I was married in I sat through an entire sermon directed at me about what an evil person I was.  I was an abomination and wasn’t even gay.  Still not.  Though at my age I may qualify as being asexual and that is one of the letters.  So, welcome to the community.  Do I get a toaster?

What happened to Terry Bradshaw isn’t new and is still ongoing in churches throughout America.  There are any number of individuals, families and groups that can identify with happened to Bradshaw.  People often leave church if not the faith when it happens.



            Neo-Republican Christian Nationalists Fascists call what happened to Bradshaw and what is happening to others from conservative churches as having freedom of religion.  And they’re right.  Freedom of religion does give them the right to have and preach their beliefs.  Like when Congresswoman Boebert prays for Biden to die.  Nothing new there.  Previously Senator Perdue prayed for Obama to die.  Lots of conservative evangelicals believe it’s perfectly okay to pray for Presidents they don’t like to die.  Such prayers bring cheers and laughter to Neo Republican Fascists.  It’s their culture.  What they believe their faith gives them the right to do and accomplish with the government is long and scary. 

What our constitution does not give them the right to do is use the government to impose their beliefs on others. 

That’s the part they don’t (won’t?) understand.


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