Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Follow the leader.


Remember the kid’s game “follow the leader?”[1]  Adults do the same thing.  MAGA’s leader is a criminal that committed bank, insurance, tax and charity fraud.  Leading by example.

(2-minute read) 

Gold chains.

            I’m a retired factory worker.  Where I worked there were multiple layers of upper management and lower management.  Different managers.  Different styles of management.  We got a new upper-level manager once that wore gold chains and sported a beard.  Unusual style for a manager then.  Within a month lower-level managers under him were wearing gold chains and working on growing beards.  When he went away those went away.

            The rapist and felon Trump is the leader of the MAGA Republican cult.  And what kind of leader is he?  What’s his nature?  What’s his character?  What kind of man is he?  What kind of example does he set for those beneath him?  What kind of role model is he for younger people and kids? 

            That can be answered quickly.  Because of the thousands of lawsuits Trump has been involved in along with his celebrity, his life is well documented.  Trump craves publicity whether it’s good or bad.

Trump is a career criminal.

Examples of Trump’s (lack of) character.

  • If lying was an Olympic event Trump would win the gold.  Trump is a pathological liar. 
  • Trump is a name-calling bully.  It defines his character.
  • A jury found Trump guilty of committing sexual abuse.  The judge said it was rape.[2] 
  • A jury convicted Trump of committing multiple felonies. 
  • Trump has been married 3 times and cheated on all his wives.
  • Trump has filed for bankruptcy 4 times and has too many failed business ventures to list here.[3]  I covered those failures extensively in my Deal Breaker blog post.  So much for his business acumen.  Trump inherited his money.  
  • Trump stiffs vendors and workers.  In other words he’s a deadbeat who doesn’t pay his bills.[4] 
  • Trump’s a thief.  Good grief, he stole from his charity.[5] 
  • Trump cheats at golf.[6]  Isn’t this supposed to be some kind of cardinal sin for golfers? 
  • And if all that isn’t enough, creepy old man Trump is slipping mentally. 

            This is a short list and doesn’t count all of the horrendous things that he did or wanted to do while President.  What’s more! JD Vance proved something.

Trump’s the best MAGA’s got.


[1] https://fungameskidsplay.com/followtheleadergame.htm

[2] https://newrepublic.com/post/174448/judge-e-jean-carroll-case-yes-donald-trump-rapist

[3] https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/03/31/djt-trump-media-stock-truth-social-investment-warning/73135385007/

[4] Ibid

[5] https://apnews.com/general-news-united-states-government-7b8d0f5ce9cb4cadad948c2c414afd57

[6] https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/sports/2023/02/03/trump-and-golf-fancy-resorts-a-list-partners-cheating-at-highest-level/69857594007/

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