Thursday, August 15, 2024

In the scheme of things.


(4.2-minute read)

Note to readers of my blog:  Spent a little time in the hospital.  Things will be back to normal posting wise before long. 

A small story

My wife was a Director at a large life insurance company with headquarters in New York City back in the day. She was promoted to that position based upon her performance at a local office of theirs in Kansas and was on track to being a VP.  The company had been in existence for well over a hundred years.  It was turning a good profit.  It was an excellent company to work for.

When she was first promoted a variety of paperwork was sent to her by their Human Resources (HR) person (a woman) to go through and sign. In paperwork concerning financials that she received concerning the salary she would be paid the amount was substantially larger than what she had been told originally.  SUBSTANTIALLY higher.

This is where I’ll mention that three men were hired at the same time as Directors to do the exact same job.

She showed me the paperwork and was questioning why the number was so much higher before she got back with the HR rep.  I told her that it was because that was the salary that they were paying the guys and why would the HR rep think differently.  Anyway, the HR rep contacted her again and apologized for sending her the wrong paperwork and gave her the new paperwork with the salary she originally was told that she was getting.  Awkward phone call.

She was really good at her job and the accolades poured in after her visits to various agencies.  She ended up being assigned to a different Vice President.  He called her in and told her that she was getting a raise.  He went on to explain that he didn’t understand why she was receiving so much less but that he would get her to where she should be.  He couldn’t do it all at once and would have to do it in stages, and she wouldn’t get retroactive pay.

Why was she paid so much less?  Women in general know the answer to that one.  The system in place in the company was made by men and dominated by men.  Men wrote the rules.  Equal employment made a few inroads but those took place on a have to do basis.

Their headquarters were in New York City. She was assigned there and traveled all over the country providing office support to agencies and solving problems.  She was in on Long Island on 9/11 when the Saudi terrorists hit the Twin Towers but that’s another story.

The company no longer exists. It was bought by an even larger company not long after 9/11.  The CEO made millions selling the company.  My wife was laid off in January of 2002 along with several hundred other people.  Eventually everyone lost their job. 

An old story.

Not for everyone

The originalists of the Constitution of the United States wrote to protect the interests of white property owners.  Black people were considered property then.  Women did not have the vote.  Children worked in mines.  That was the culture.  In the beginning of the American revolution was not popular with the general population.  It was the response of the English authorities to reasonable request for representation that turned the tide.

  • America fought a civil war to end slavery. Inequality remained.
  • Constitutional amendments were passed. Inequality remained.
  • Civil Rights Act was passed.  Inequality remained.
  • More laws were passed. Inequality remained.
  • Peaceful protests.  Bras were burned.  Inequality remained.
  • More laws were passed.  Inequality remained.
  • Riots took place.  Racism remained.
  • MAGA happened.  Racism not only remains but surges into mainstream politics under the racist rapist DonOLD Trump.

MAGA wants to take us back to the times when inequality ruled with the help of the MAGA Supremes who are already undoing decades of progress.  The rapist Trump and his cult have proved that

Racism and bigotry are as prevalent as ever.

What’s next?

The MAGA Supreme Court is recreating a nation in the MAGA vision.  They are taking us back in time.  Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) is their enemy along with public education.  That’s why MAGA Republicans support funding Christian religious education with tax dollars. 

Racism is wrong. There is no good excuse or reason for it.  Denying people employment or advancement simply because they are a woman, Person of Color (POC), LGBTQIA, etc. is wrong.  It was always wrong.  It’s still wrong.  Learning about the history of racism is NOT wrong.

Discriminating against women because of their sex is wrong.  The necessity of “equal pay for equal work” has not diminished. 

White people need to stop looking for ways to blame what’s taking place on POC.  White people need to stop looking for false equivalents, rationalizations and whataboutisms.  We need to address the issues that systemic racism and inequality for targeted groups are major problems.  Hard core MAGA racists are NOT going to change their minds.  Not going to happen.  But we aren’t a nation of racists.  We need to put people first as a nation.

All the people.

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