Saturday, August 17, 2024

MAGA Q and A.


(7-minute read.)

OMG!  I watched the entire August 8th Trump Press Conference at Mar a Lago.[1]  There were a couple of notable standouts. 

1.      Trump was not orange.  No kidding.  He has returned to his old orange self in subsequent press conferences, though. 

2.      Trump did not start playing the accordion until 25 minutes into the conference.  Not kidding.  Thereafter he played it a LOT.  All he needs is a monkey with a cap and a cup to work the crowd. 

When Trump talked about how big his crowds aren’t he said that he had a bigger crowd than Martin Luther King had during King’s “I have a dream speech.”  No kidding.  He said that.  Trump said look at the pictures.  Here are the pictures.[2]  Trump obviously needs to have his vision checked along with his next cognition test. 

            Trump said that the way Vice President Harris was chosen as their new nominee by the Democratic Party after President Biden left the race was unconstitutional.  (21m38s)  No kidding.  The rapist Trump has that flimsy a grasp on the Constitution and reality.  His grasp of reality becomes more tenuous with each passing day.  Seriously, he’s started campaigning against Hillary Clinton again.

            Here’s a synopsis of his press conference lie-a-thon.

  • There’s going to be a depression if Kamala is elected.
  • The country is a wreck.
  • Nobody knows the numbers of illegals that we have but he gives numbers anyway.
  • Nothing bad would have happened if he had been President.
  • Nobody in history has had the crowd sizes that he has.
  • There was a peaceful transfer of power.
  • Still claims that there is after birth abortion. 
  • World War III is going to start if Kamala is elected.
  • Afghanistan was the lowest point in the history of our country. 
  • Talked about how good it was of him not to put Hillary in jail. 
  • The nation is crime ridden.

            None of the above is true.  These statements of his have been fact checked ad nauseam.

            At this press conference Trump clocked over 2 LPM  for a total of 162 lies.[3]  (NPR did an excellent job of going through Trumps lies at the conference and presenting factual information.)[4]  Seriously, that’s an impressive amount of lying to sustain.  Trump remains his status as …

Liar in Chief.

Popular among MAGA

            There are memes circulating amongst MAGA where some of his cult followers in realizing what a disaster Trump is are trying to provide some justification for voting for a rapist criminal sociopath.

            I compiled MAGA statements and presented responses in italics:


I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. 

Trump called for termination of the constitution.[5]  Yes.  Really.  First of all they’re voting for the rapist traitor Trump who tried to overturn the election so they are actively supporting treason.  Trump sues people that exercise their free speech rights to talk about what a disgusting human he is.[6]  This is the man of character that they want to advocate their ideals for them.

I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family. 

The nation is awash in guns. Innocent men, women, and children are being gunned down.  MAGA isn’t pro-life when it comes to guns or health care.  Democrats are not coming to take your guns away, either.

I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 

Trump and his project 2025 want to rewrite the constitution and take away rights.  Red states are already doing that.

I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement 401K and the stock market. 

The stock market and retirement accounts have reached record highs under President Biden. 

I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts. 

MAGA want to hang our allies out to dry and hand their countries over to authoritarians and dictators thereby isolating our nation.  If these nitwits had been around during WW2 the Germans and Japanese would have won.

I'm voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live. 

If they were truly voting to keep our Republic then they wouldn’t be voting for the guy that wants to be dictator. 

I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. 

The police are respected now.  The traitors that Trump called to our Capitol attacked the police.

I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. 

They want judges that will undermine the rights of non-whites and roll our country back to a nation where women are submissive and people of color know their place just like the originators of the constitution intended.

I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. 

I’m not sure what planet these people are living on.  They act like all the jobs that were outsourced came back under Trump.  Didn’t happen.  Many jobs remain outsourced but Biden has brought some manufacturing jobs back.  More than Trump ever dreamed about doing.  Trump merch is still bought from overseas sources. 

I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration. 

Trump didn’t have secure borders any more than President Biden does but Biden has done better than Trump.  Remember, Trump nixed the bipartisan immigration legislation solely to improve his election chances.

I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms. 

Me too! I’m a veteran!  That’s why I’m voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!  BTW my bone spurs didn’t keep me from enlisting.  Trump doesn’t respect the military or its veterans.

I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live. 

The rights of women should be paramount above those of fetuses.  Women should be in charge of their own bodies NOT the government.  The Christian faith says that life begins at first breath.  The bible also has instructions for the righteous to cause abortions.  It’s a crying shame that Christians aren’t as zealous in protecting living children when it comes to guns. 

I’m voting for the continued peace progress in the Middle East. 

And by continued peace they mean the wars that have gone on for decades.  Good luck with that. 

I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking. 

President Biden’s Administration has done that just like the administrations before have done. 

I’m voting for Freedom of Religion. 

Aaand we already have freedom of religion.  This seems to be a brand new concept for MAGA.  (Obviously MAGA needs to study harder when they’re in school.)  MAGA wants to replace freedom of religion with religious indoctrination.  What MAGA really means is that they want to impose their Christian Nationalists beliefs upon everyone else like Oklahoma is trying to do. 

I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. 

The United States government is not censoring people.  The private sector is censoring the dissemination of misinformation aka LIES.  The private sector can do that.  People can already do that.  (That doesn’t mean that Trump won’t sue them.)  MAGA loves playing the victim card but freedom of speech has never meant freedom from consequences. 

I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future. 

If MAGA wants to do that then they should vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.  But what they really mean is they are voting for their right to injure children by refusing them gender-affirming care.  They want books banned and burned.  They oppose public education.  They oppose diversity, equality, and inclusion. 

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country. 

This must be why in Missouri MAGA candidates campaigned on Trump’s border wall.  Trump’s.  NOT the country’s.  Trump’s already branding the American flag with his name.[7] [8] The national anthem at Trump rallies has been replaced with a new anthem sung by traitors with Trump doing a voice over.  And Trump wants to rewrite the Constitution with the help of the MAGA Supremes and Project 2025 agenda.  Yes, the vote is indeed for the future of America.


            No, they really are voting for one person. 

In Trump they trust.

[1] PBS presented entire conference,



[4] Ibid.




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