Monday, August 19, 2024

Trump the Traveller.


(1.25-minute read)

Art of the con.

            Have you ever heard of Irish Travellers or just Travellers?[1]  They are often misidentified as being Romani (Gypsy).  Genetically they are Irish.[2]  There are Traveller communities in the United States.  They are a tight-knit group and often their marriages are arranged as children.  One such community of approximately 1500 people only had 11 surnames.[3] 

Travellers have a rather unsavory reputation whether deserved or not.  Years ago I watched a documentary about one such group in the United States.  They were from an east coast community of Travellers.  They would fan out and go all over the United States mainly grifting and scamming people.  Then they would return home after a season of working.

That made me think of the Trump, his company and family.  They have been running grifts generationally.  They dress better and run around with a wealthier group of people than the usual Travellers.  Trump loves to call people names but Don the Con comes closer to fitting his family.  He also travels around the country grifting when he isn’t stealing from people closer to home as he did with Trump University and Trump Charity.  Thanks to modern technology Trump can grift people everywhere when hawking his golden tennis shoes, bibles, and bitcoins.  Jared and Ivana picked up a cool couple of billion dollars from monetizing their time spent in public service.  The Saudis are paying for golf tournaments at his properties. 

Grift is what the family does.



[3] Ibid

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