Thursday, August 29, 2024

J6 Traitors Gala Awards Show!

(3-minute read)  Edit:  The awards show has been cancelled until after the 2024 election.

Calling all Traitors!

            Following up on the heels of using Arlington National Cemetery for a campaign stunt the rapist felon Trump is letting the Stand in the Gap Foundation hold a J6 Traitor Gala Awards Dinner and fundraiser at Mar a Lago.[1]  MAGA will celebrate those that assaulted law enforcement, breached our Capitol, vandalized offices, threatened the Vice President with hanging, and shit on the floors.[2] [3] [4]  MAGA courageous heroes one and all! 

            Being a traitor can be expensive!  Especially when they end up committing what normal people call crimes!  Some of the J6 traitors have fallen on hard times and need money for expenses.  You didn’t think the fundraising was for them, did you? Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! No.  But perhaps Trump will peel off a $100 from his walk-around money for their legal expenses.  It could happen. 

            There will be workshops.  How to spot an FBI informant.  How to avoid getting arrested.  Jesus and Trump—the good news!

            It should be quite the soiree!  Rudy Giuliani is a confirmed speaker.[5]  Man, if he shows up drunk it could be a real barn burner of a speech!  Convicted felons could even give talks about their time in prison and what heroic criminal act they were unjustly sentenced for.  It isn’t known yet if Hawley is going to talk.  Man!  Wouldn’t it be great if he ran to the stage with the Chariots of Fire music playing!  They could use a rah-rah pep talk. 

            Christian Nationalists will be there as well to get Jesus’ blessing on the gala event.  Their Jesus loves him some politics!

            It isn’t known yet if the invited rapist felon Trump will speak at the gala.  Perhaps he could use his time to explain why he didn’t pardon all of his heroes then while he was still President since he knew they were going to be charged for their crimes.  He did pardon other traitors. 

            What a day J6 was!  Who can forget Missouri MAGA Christian Nationalist Senator Josh Hawley raising his mighty fist of power to show solidarity with the traitors that came to try and overthrow our democracy.  Here’s his picture below.

Good times, Josh Hawley!  Good Times!

            Just look at Hawley’s stern countenance!  And that raised fist!  I’m surprised that some of the traitors didn’t just swoon on the spot.  Of course there is that unfortunate video of him running away from his patriotic buddies after they breached the Capitol.  I love the version of the video with the Chariots of Fire theme music playing.  Perhaps he’ll get an award for that since he along with 147 other MAGA Republicans did end up voting to hold up recognizing Biden as President as part of their coup attempt.[6]  

            Traitors will be getting together to talk glowingly about their righteous participation in an insurrection.  Will Trump hand out Presidential Medal of Freedom awards to any of the traitors that did an excellent job of assaulting law enforcement?  Buy a ticket and find out! 

            General admission ticket prices start at only $1500!* 

Come one! Come all!**

*Law enforcement should inquire about special rates.

**Sorry no children or babies allowed Trump doesn’t like crying babies.[7]







[7] Mom and crying baby booted,

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