Friday, October 21, 2016

Our time here. [Inspirational]

The older I get the more I think about mortality. Not an uncommon occurrence as we get closer to the end. We start to wonder when buying big bottles of pills if we are in fact buying a lifetime supply.

The other night I was thinking about my wife, our life together and life in general.

Here's what I know.

Life and death are capricious. Here one second and gone the next. Blink of an eye.

We have the time that we have.

We get this one chance to do it right.

Don't take the day for granted. Find some part of each day to enjoy.

While there is ambiguity in the many interpretations of the bible available there is also clarity when it comes to the expressions of Jesus. There is eternity. There is salvation. There is putting god first. There is love. There is caring about our fellow human beings. There is placing the less fortunate and the poor first in line. We should do more than say we're Christian. We should be Christian.

We're supposed to ease suffering not cause it.

We're to be less concerned with self-gratification and material gain.

The perfect church edifice or leader doesn't exist. We can't create a church in our image.

We can question every action we take or don't take to the point of non-functionality.

There's never going to be enough time to get all those projects done.

There will never be enough time to spend with loved ones, family and friends.

We have the time that we have.

Make the most of it.

Make sure that the people you love know that you love them. Say the words, sign the words or write the words:

“I Love you.”