Thursday, October 6, 2016

You had one job…[Politics/VP Debate]

Here’s my take on the Vice President debate. Hands down Mike Pence won. Pence is the Republican far right evangelical running mate of Donald Trump. I pass this along because people might not know who the candidates for Vice President are.
I would have given the debate to Pence just because Kaine was so incredibly rude, repeatedly interrupting and talking over Pence. Regardless, Pence still won the debate. Mike Pence is a professional Washington Republican politician with years of service and was unflappable. He maintained his poise and decorum for the most part. His responses were measured and well delivered.
Tim Kaine, Hillary Rodham Clinton’s running mate, mainly needed to avoid shooting himself in the foot like Trump did several times in the first Presidential debate. He also needed to avoid doing any serious damage to the ticket when debating Pence.
Before watching the debate I spent some time checking out whether or not the VP debates had ever made much of a difference in the polls or outcome of elections. I was surprised to find that by and large they had little effect since they are the number 2 spot on the ticket. It seemed that there have been indications that they could stop a trend. Polls for the next week or so will provide an indication of what effect if any the VP debate between Kaine and Pence had.
I loved this sentence about the debate from a Washington Post article written by Abby Phillip: “But Clinton and Kaine had a larger goal in mind than winning the debates themselves: to create a series of compelling sound bites that they planned to weaponize for the reminder of the campaign.”
Isn’t that great? They spent hours upon hours figuring out how best the debates could be used to advance the election in their favor. Kaine made his points, interruptions and all, in order to get Pence’s response or non-responses on video. Since the debate they have been releasing campaign videos of Pence lying repeatedly, playing his denial of saying something and then video of him and Trump making the comments he just denied that either of them said. I’m not sure if I’ve ever watched an ad that effective.

When it comes to debates there’s winning and then there’s winning. It turns out that Tim Kaine was a good soldier and did his one job.