Friday, October 21, 2016

Charitable comments [Politics]

It would show how insightful I am if I could claim much knowledge about the Al Smith dinner reported in the news; I can’t though. I had to look up stuff. It’s remarkable that I can be sitting here in a little two room domicile in a barn in Missouri and have immediate access to all kinds of information. I now know that it’s an annual event for Catholic charities for needy children that is hosted by the Archbishop of New York.
It’s evidently a long standing tradition for both Presidential candidates to attend. This is not an event attended by the hoi polloi. (I love working that word in since I know how to spell it now. It’s almost as much fun as just making up words. Almostly.) The elite attend this event. People with money. Billionaires. Yes, more than one. We’re talking fancy suits now. Rich people. Lots of ‘em. You couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting one.
Donald Trump managed to get booed and cat-called at a charity event for bitty children. Several times. (I’ve watched the video.) How do you do that? From the comments coming from attendees this doesn’t happen often. This is a bigly deal evidently. Did he read the comments he was going to give beforehand? What kind of joke writers did he use anyway? He started off nice enough but then it’s like he fired all the joke writers mid-speech and went with the script writers of “Plan 9 from outer space.” I mean it was OMG painful to watch. Why couldn’t his mic fail when we needed it?
And we have the next day’s headlines and we weren’t even done with the ones about him undermining our republic. What next? What new headline will tomorrow bring? It’s exhilarating yet enervating at the same time. Is he meeting with his 200 retired generals to plan a Trump d’état in case he doesn’t win? I can hardly wait to see what the morrow will bring!