Saturday, October 15, 2016

Media Bias [Politics]

Is media coverage of Trump biased?* I think that it’s a fair question to be asked in a Presidential election.
Let’s try this in regards to media coverage especially if you’re undecided. For the sake of this argument about media bias pretend that there’s a new candidate that burst upon the scene and got elected President. Take any candidate names out of the equation. (I know that this will be impossible for some people.) After the election you learn the following about the President:
·         Hadn’t paid any taxes for decades.
·         Incited people to violence.
·         Cheated sub-contractors out of payment.
·         Owes hundreds of millions to bankers.
·         Was caught talking about how they had sexually assaulted women because of their wealth and status.
·         Then women came forward claiming to have been sexually assaulted by him just as he described.
·         Cheated openly on at least one of several wives.
·         Had multiple bankruptcies.
·         Wouldn’t release their tax returns.
·         Had multiple failed business ventures.
·         They had been involved in thousands of lawsuits and settled some out of court including settling racial discrimination charges out of court.
·         Being sued for scamming people out of money for a false educational school.
·         Are currently being sued.
·         Had a cameo in a soft pornography video.
·         Okayed referring to their daughter as being a piece of ass.
·         Allowed for their private airplane to be used for a nude photo shoot of their spouse to be.
·         Praised the leadership of foreign dictators.
·         Their name came up on FBI wire taps of mafia members under investigation.
·         Lost a billion dollars.
·         Have financial interests in the Middle East, China and Russia.
·         Operated a charity illegally.
·         They were far less rich than they claimed.
·         Claimed to buy politicians and was then accused of bribing elected officials.
·         Had zero qualifications for public office.
·         Has never served the interests of working people
This list could be a lot longer but I’m going to stop here. If you found out all the above AFTER the election was over would you blame media for not reporting information like this? Would you think that journalists had done their due diligence in reporting on the candidate? Would you be upset that they had not done their job and that you had a right as a citizen and voter to know these things about a candidate for the highest office in the land?
Traditional news outlets are going away. Print media is in decline because it’s well…print media in a digital age. News is now about market share, revenue dollars and entertainment. That’s why we have “talking heads.” We still have thousands of hard working journalists doing their jobs. Headlines sell advertising.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is in the news but stories about her current activities are lost in the headlines that Trump is constantly generating. He’s a man who has said bad publicity sells. Hillary Clinton has been under the media spotlight for decades with every aspect of her personal and private life being taken apart on the public stage. She’s been investigated over and over again along with her husband Bill Clinton. They’ve been taken to court. She’s been called before committees. All this scrutiny and no convictions from the people that hate her guts and have been in charge of her investigations. With the exception of the 33,000 deleted emails (investigated by the FBI—no charges) there’s nothing new. The Benghazi inquiry by 8 Republican committees has gone on for 4 years now. No charges from people dedicated to taking her down. What we’re seeing now predominantly from alternate news sites is the same stuff that we’ve been hearing about for decades recycled, reformatted and presented as new.
Trump missed all this scrutiny. Digging into his past and current actions has taken place on a much compressed time frame and he has only served to bring more scrutiny on himself in instances where he decided not to cooperate like in releasing his taxes or working with other Republicans.
Trump has decided to try and make former President Bill Clinton news again but we’ve already been there and done that in the news for months on end. None of this is new news. It isn’t bias not to hash through all of this stuff again.
A couple of billion dollars of free media publicity during the primaries helped Trump win the Republican nomination. He was calling in interviews sometimes doing them minutes apart. He was a sideshow, a carnival barker talking about the size of his penis. Now though he’s in the Bigs. Different ball game. But he’s still an attraction.
Here’s the problem with Trump. On Tuesday 10/11/16 He told his supporters at a rally in Panama City, Florida to be sure and vote November 28th. This kind of statement from a Presidential candidate is newsworthy. Did he misspeak? Probably, but with Trump it’s hard to know, based upon his lack of knowledge concerning the mechanics of how our government and the real world in general is supposed to work. But this is mild compared to how he usually ends up in the news with his actions and words. He’s a walking, talking media attraction on a regular basis—at times daily.
For their media support Trump, along with his some of his supporters, are depending upon a traitor like Snowden, fugitive Julian Assagne of Wikileaks and the Russian hackers at the direction of Putin to help out with “source material” for his campaign. Why is that? Because all of these people are trustworthy, honorable and are above corrupting any of the data in their hands that they’ve had for months? Why would the “True Patriot Americans for Justice” or whatever super patriotic name they claim and Fox news trust people like these before their own citizens? Their conspiracy beliefs are so deep that the foreigners they say we can’t trust are the ones that they go to now for information. Trump passed along “information” gathered from these sources towards the end of the debate. Guess what? The information was wrong!
Had that long list in the beginning had Hillary Rodham Clinton’s name as the person that committed those acts Republicans and Trump would be screaming that citizens had the right to know. Citizens do have the right to know even if it’s one of the Global Elite like Donald Trump.

*Not all media. The alternate hate Clinton trust no one but us Alt Right news conspiracy media are excluded because they’re fiction sites.