Thursday, September 29, 2022



(3 minute read)


            According to the recent NY Times/Siena College national poll 69% of Trump Republicans think that America is the greatest country in the world.[1]  On top of that 24% of Trump Republicans think America is a great country just not the greatest.[2]  So, in all, 93% of Trump Republicans think America is in great shape.  Of voters having a high school degree or less 59% think America is numero uno.  I wrote about whether that was true or not < here >.  Keep in mind that President Biden has been in office now for almost 2 years.


Having the cake

            The above poll doesn’t really jive with the red hat MAGA slogan, does it?  Make America Great Again and by the way we’re already the greatest.  Perhaps MAGA Heads mean, well I don’t really know what they mean since they seem willing to believe just about anything at any given time including positions that are diametrically opposed.  I’ll see something truly outrageous pop at a right-wing site and then it’s popping up in conservative posts on the Facebook. 

            Trump Republicans are campaigning on President Biden having already destroyed the country while simultaneously believing that America is the greatest country in the world.  That isn’t a reality-based argument.  Nevertheless,

MAGA Heads eat it up.

That explains a lot.

            Some parts of the poll aren’t grabbing a lot of air.  The question was asked if people thought that white people are being discriminated against.  It came as a surprise to me, though it shouldn’t have, that 27% of Democrats thought that white people faced discrimination.  A lot, 4%.  Some, 23%.  Whereas 76% of Republicans thought that white people were being discriminated against.  A lot, 16%.  Some, 60%.  Pretty big split there.

            Want to take a wild guess about what the Trump Republican feelings are concerning Black Lives Matter?  Go on take a guess.  Did you guess that 21% (Total) of Trump Republicans had a favorable impression compared to 84% (Total) of Democrats?  If you did then you’d be right.

            I watched a video of a Trump Republican MAGA Head threatening some KKK members that showed up at a Trump rally.[3]  It reminded me of the Trump supporter standing outside the Capitol insurrection saying this isn’t who we are.[4] 

Then they stormed the Capitol.

Black and White

            After the 2016 election I called a friend that I had disagreed with over the issue of racism that exists in America to tell them that they were right and that I was wrong.  Until that election I had no idea of the depth of racism in this country.  It’s deep, wide and all-encompassing.  The above-mentioned poll demonstrates the reason that so many white racist groups flocked to Trump’s messaging.  Trump serves as their victim example and validates their beliefs that they are the real people being discriminated against. They are the victims and Trump knows this and shares their collective misery.

            It’s the reason that the Trump Republican MAGA Heads will never be less than loyal to any claim that Trump makes and why elected Trump Republicans go along with him. 

I would normally be posting all of my sourcing for these statements about MAGA Heads but the list would be ridiculously long.  Too many have joined white supremacist events as both attendees and speakers.  They have attended meetings with right wing European leaders.  White supremacists were outed as being members of the Trump Administration.  They support both Christian and White Nationalism.  They make racist statements against immigrants.  They are fountains of fascism.  And yes, they do have a minority of people of color that follow them.  But MAGA Heads are predominantly white,

And proud of it.



