Saturday, September 24, 2022

A dialogue

 (3 minute read)

 Count on us!

            Almost without fail over the years if some major life changing legislation is proposed for working people conservatives will be opposed to it.  Trump Republican Party Conservatives (TRPC) are no different.  Mind you that doesn’t mean that they won’t take credit for it later if it proves to be popular, like ObamaCare, aka the Affordable Care Act. 


D:  The majority of Republicans seeking office support the “Big Lie” that Trump won.

TRPC:  It’s not a lie!  He did win.  Anybody that doesn’t believe that is a Nazi and a pedophile.

D:  Women should have the right to control their own bodies, NOT the government.

TRPC:  Women are murderers and should be thrown in jail if they terminate a pregnancy!  Women that claim they miscarried should be investigated for attempted murder!  Punishment before prevention!

D:  We support public education.

TRPC:  Our children are being brainwashed and groomed to be gay by teachers all over God Bless America!

D:  Increase the minimum wage. 

TRPC:  OMG!  Dems have lost their minds!  It’ll drive the cost of everything up and that’ll hurt the poor!  Besides, it’ll cost more to eat out!  Who’ll clean hotel rooms, work in the meat packing industry and pick our crops?  This nation needs economic slaves!

D:  How about taking care of the basic necessities of the poor, like food, education and housing. 

TRPC:  Are you kidding me!  They’re lazy and want to be on welfare!  They have no incentive to work if we’re giving them food and shelter!  Too many of them are driving Cadillacs!

D:  Everyone should have affordable healthcare.

TRPC:  SOCIALISM!  Liberals want to destroy our nation!  People will be driving to the hospital in Cadillacs!  If people are too poor to afford healthcare then they should just die quietly without making such a big fuss about it.  Socialism is evil except for Social Security and Medicare and a host of other things that we benefit from. 

D:  We need to do something about gun violence.

TRPC:  The Dems are coming for our 400 million guns!  We need more guns!

D:  White Supremacists are evil.

TRPC:  We are white supremacists and there’s nothing wrong with us.  Some of us are very fine people if you look hard enough!  The KKK likes us for a reason!

D:  We support transparency in politics and oppose dark money.

TRPC:  We aren’t racist!  We like Dark Money. The darker the better. 

D:  History should be taught in schools.

TRPC:  We agree!  Except for the parts of history that make white people look bad that might trigger the white kids and make them feel bad about themselves.  We should teach instead that slaves were treated kindly and liked being slaves.  You know, true history.

D:  Freedom of religion doesn’t mean that the government gets to impose their version of the Christian faith on everyone else.

TRPC:  Bullshit!  The country needs our Jesus whether they like it or not! 

D:  We need humane policies to deal with immigrants.

TRPC:  Immigrants are murdering, disease-ridden rapists and gang members!  They’re coming for our women!  They’re mostly the wrong color of skin too.  They’re also bad parents that need their kids taken from them.

D:  We believe in our democracy.

TRPC:  We believe we need a different democracy.  We need our kind of democracy.  The kind that isn’t for equality for those that aren’t like us.

Democracy like Russia has.