Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Revenge Tour 2022

(7 minute read)

Center Stage

            What’s on the table for 2022?  Well, the Trump Party wants to take control of the House and Senate so that they can impeach Biden and remove him from office because the Dems impeached TFG (The Former Guy) twice and they are mighty PO‘ed about it.  Never mind that Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine over military support in order to get dirt on Biden or that he then tried to overthrow our democracy with a violent coup along with a fake Electors scheme.  Biden is the bad guy because he beat their guy.

            There’s a comment that Anderson Cooper of CNN made to Trump during an interview that sticks with me as I watch what the Trump Party MAGA fascists behave and how they respond to events.[1]  It’s almost as prescient as Trump’s comment about being able to shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose his supporters.[2]  In response to one of Cooper’s questions Trump said, “he started it,” and then made a pouty face.  Cooper retorted, “sir with all due respect that’s the argument of a 5-year-old.”  (They were arguing about when Trump made fun of Ted Cruz’s wife’s looks.)  Then, as if on cue, Trump through a fit.

            Trump doesn’t respond to events with emotional maturity.  His response to seeing a stack of classified documents laid out on the floor of his room in Mar a Lago was to express umbrage that people would think that he was messy.  Law enforcement officers of the FBI executed a search warrant on his property and found some of the most sensitive classified information that our country has, scattered throughout his house, and he’s worried that people will think that he’s messy?! 

Trump’s got bigger things to worry about.

No one above the law my ass

            As I have mentioned previously, when I was a PFC I was caught up in a CID investigation over a possible attempted security breach.[3]  Within 2 days I was sitting in a room being interrogated by a couple of Captains.  Two days!  The FBI pussyfooted around with Trump for a YEAR-AND-A-HALF!  Don’t tell me that the citizens of this country are treated equally under the law.  Trump was mister ‘show no mercy’ when it came to others mishandling classified documents. He said, “no one will be above the law.”[4]  Now he receives preferential treatment.  PERIOD.

            Like I have also said previously I try and use the same yardstick when comparing events or people including Presidents.[5]  If any Democrat President had done this Republicans and the Trump Party would be clamoring for them to be charged, tried, found guilty and thrown in jail.  PERIOD.

            But there are way more people involved in this security breach than just former President Trump.  These classified documents were loaded up by people, driven around in a U-Haul, stored in an unsecure room, moved multiple times, handled multiple times, removed from their folders. seen and read by who knows who.  The only question that we should have now is how many people WILL be charged?  And it really doesn’t make any difference if the people playing “pass the classified documents” had security clearances, they still did not have any business having classified documents!  They had no need to know.  The lawyer who said that there weren’t any more classified documents should have already been in a room with interrogators explaining her rights to her. 

And there were 43 empty folders!  Who would pack empty folders?  What documents did they contain?  Where are the documents that were in them now?  Who has them is also a question that is on the table.  As for Trump and the good of the nation,

Lock him up!

The World Knows

            The Trump Party wants to get even with everyone that isn’t them and doesn’t support their fascist leader.  As I’ve mentioned before that’s their agenda in a nutshell, emphasis on the nut.[6]  It isn’t just that so many Trump Party candidate MAGA heads are intellectually challenged, they’re reality challenged as well.  They may be scrubbing their campaign sites of their views in recognizing their own extremism, but they are still extremists.  They seek being in charge of the election process so that they can control the outcome.  They agree with a vote if they win.  They are claiming that voting which is controlled by them is corrupt, when the right MAGA head doesn’t win.  Trump Party congress members take credit for bills that they voted against that are popular with their constituents.  MAGA heads want revenge on a government and country that doesn’t share their Q-anon-conspiracy-believing-election-denying-gay-immigrant-and-Muslim-hating-beliefs.

            At Trump’s first post ‘I got served with a search warrant rally’ MAGA heads booed supporting Ukraine.[7]  Yep.  Trump said a lot of things at his revenge tour rally.  His Lies Per Minute (LPM) were off the charts.  He said that the world was shocked at what was taking place here in America.  Actually, I agree with him on that one.  The world is seeing that one petty wannabe tyrant like Trump has got our democracy on the ropes.  That is shocking.  More shocking than when world leaders laughed at him when he gave a speech at the United Nations.[8]  Incidentally, at his rally he talks about Republicans as if they are another party, and they are.  Really, you should really watch the entire rally. 

Trump is hitting the same themes.  It’s like he was never President and could have fixed what he’s still complaining about.  He’s still fixated on Hillary Clinton if you can believe that.  He descended a golden elevator.  He did nothing wrong.  China virus.  RINOs.  Russia, Russia, Russia.  Deep state.  Press is the enemy of the state.  Biden is the enemy of the state.  Biden gave the most hateful speech ever given in America.  Our schools are being perverted.  Critical Race theory is bad.  Trump’s being persecuted.  Dems are socialists.  Radical left.  Support the police.  The FBI are vicious monsters.  Barr’s a loser.  The DOJ is corrupt.  LOTs of name calling and insulting.  LOTS.  Cities on fire.  Murder in the streets.  The nation’s horrible.  We’re like a third world nation.  Philadelphia is horrible.  America is a joke.  Anyway, these were just a few of high points, or low points depending upon your perspective, of his speech.  Seriously though if you’ve seen one of Trump’s rallies you’ve seen them all.  Trump, “there’s nothing like MAGA!”  Again, I agree with him.

            Things got a little weird even for Trump at a couple of places.  Trump talked about having dinner at the White House with Mark Zuckerberg and his wife LAST WEEK.  You know, somehow, I think the news would have mentioned that.  I watched a couple in the audience exchange looks after he said that.  When you’re a senior, doctors routinely ask you if you know what day of the week it is.  They need to ask Trump if he knows what year it is and where his home is.  Seriously.  If Biden had said that MAGA heads would be claiming that he has dementia.

            So, the mid-term elections are coming up and Trump has decided that this is the perfect time to go on a fringe tour in contested states.  Trump said, “The entire world is watching, and they’re shocked! They’re shocked!”  True that.  The world is watching.  The world knows a fascist when they see one.  They’re fighting one now.  Putin.

Trump’s bro.


[1] Anderson Cooper Argument of a 5 year old comment:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYr2XteXUB8

[2] Shoot somebody:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTACH1eVIaA

[3] HRC’s emails:  https://yadayadayadablahblah.blogspot.com/2022/08/a-refresher-about-hrcs-emails.html

[4] One minute mark:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdb_xWhrcEI

[5] https://yadayadayadablahblah.blogspot.com/2020/09/yardstick-moments.html

[8] United Nations has a laugh:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN2jqTilLOM


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