Wednesday, March 29, 2023



(6-minute read)

 Some decades back I “woke” to the fact that when a woman answers “fine” it may not in fact mean that she thinks things are indeed fine. 

In this post I’m going to explain the terms woke, cancel culture and projection as they are being bandied about today.

Let’s talk about Nazis first.

            Nazis canceled Jews, gays (LGBTQIA),[1] people of color, books,[2] handicapped people,[3] other religions, other nationalities, clergy that opposed them.  They were all portrayed as being bad for German society and the master race. 

They created a fake history to justify their actions.[4]  German Christian Nationalists supported them.[5]  They used intimidation, threats and violence to enforce and force their ideals on others.[6] 

Nazis created a Nazified Christianity.[7] 

Millions died.

Awake yet?

            Are you “woke”[8] about “cancel culture”[9] doing so much “projection.”[10]  Let’s do woke first because Neo-Republican Fascists (NRFs—pronounced nerf) hate it so much.[11]  Curious about what it means and the culture it embodies? 

            Just in case you haven’t bothered before, you might consider clicking on my footnotes.  I do a lot of looking to find just the right ones. At other times it just takes seconds.  For instance, the Merriam Webster definition of the word ‘woke’ is fascinating.

            The word woke originally came from black culture early in the 20th century.  It started gaining wider usage from the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.  For the BLM community it meant recognizing and having an awareness of systemic social injustice/racism (some also refer to this as the institutional racism[12] that is hard wired into our culture, which started with the original Constitution that provided for the inclusion of slavery) where it exists. 

Does that give you insight as to why Neo-Republican Fascists (NRF) hate the word so much and now use it as an insult? 

Heady stuff.

Examples of wokeness.

Its usage spread.  People started using it to describe becoming aware of (woke to) all sorts of things.  Some good.  Some bad. 

  • Trump in 2016 woke to the reality that his followers didn’t care what he did and they would support him.[13]
  • Recognizing that racism still exists and is systemic.
  • Talking about the reality of climate change and the serious consequences that will happen if nothing is done.
  • Calling out fascism. 

NRFs call people ‘woke’ to insult them because they reject the woke culture in support of being awake.[14]  Confused?  So are they.[15] 

The woke agenda gets in the way of them implementation Christian Nationalism, voter suppression, continuing to institutionalize racism and overthrowing our democracy.  It’s why NRF leaders like Congresswoman Greene celebrate the January 6 insurrectionists as patriotic heroes.[16]  They don’t want their children learning about our nation’s racist history because education will somehow cause their children to hate themselves rather than hating people of Color, LGBTQIA (especially trans people), Muslims and those different than them.

            Hm, but doesn’t that mean that if they’re trying to cancel out the woke culture that they are woke to that and a are now a part of the cancel culture that they’re trying to cancel?  They’re trying to eliminate/cancel whatever they don’t believe in.

Who needs cancelled?

You’re Canceled!

            Cancel culture.  It’s all the rage of Neo-Republican fascists.  They’re hard at it.  

  • Democracy.[17]
  • History.  Like the Civil War.  Segregation.  Slavery.  Jim Crow laws.  It triggers them.
  • Books.[18]  Well, certain books.  Books about equality and racism especially.
  • The truth. 
  • Sex education.
  • Vaccines.  They prefer using dewormer whenever possible.
  • Rainbows and songs about rainbows.[19]  Rainbows are just too gay for NRFs.
  • They want to be able to discriminate against people they don’t like.  Like gay people and Muslims.
  • Public education.  They want taxpayer money to fund private schools that teach only what they want to be taught.[20]  Taxpayer funded MAGA Madrassas.
  • Disney.  Governor DeSantis got all butt-hurt because Disney was critical of his “Don’t Say Gay” bill so he went after them by using the Florida legislature.[21]  Now he’s in charge of the board that’s in charge of Disney’s infrastructure.[22]
  • Voting made easy.
  • Poor people voting.  (Why do you think that there are long lines year after year?)
  • Students voting.

Neo-Republican Fascists answered Trump’s call and tried overthrowing our government on January 6th, 2021. They failed.  Their fascist party still maintains that the insurrectionists were the true patriots and those that have been convicted and incarcerated for their crimes are political prisoners.  If they succeed in taking over our government these insurrectionists will be whitewashed.

Neo-Republican Fascists are canceling democracy.


We often project our feelings onto others.  It’s like when we’re sad about something and then think that everyone else must be sad too.  Not always the case.  Years ago I campaigned with someone that was pulling all sorts of dirty tricks.  They justified doing it because they “knew” that their opponent was doing it as well.  They projected their actions onto others. In fact, the other person wasn’t campaigning dirty.

Projection is kind of like the opposite of the Golden Rule.  Do to others before they do to you because that’s what you’d do to them.  It explains why NRFs act the way they do and say the things that they say.[23]  Projection means accusing others of doing, saying and feeling what they themselves are, in fact doing, saying and feeling.  It’s like thieves that excuse their stealing by saying everybody steals.  They cheat on taxes because everybody cheats on taxes.  Trump calls this being smart and his followers agree with him. 

            NRFs are accusing others of doing what they (NRFs) are already doing, want to do or fantasize about doing.  It’s why they focus on sex so much.  They got kicked out of the bedrooms of America once and now they want back in. 

But just as voyeurs.

Speaking of wokeness

            Now that the NRFs have control of the House of Representatives they are pursuing their priorities.  At the top of their current list is crashing the United States economically followed by paralyzing government and undermining our nation abroad in order to support Putin.  To be fair it is only the NRF MAGA Putinista wing.  But that is the most powerful wing of the party now.  Legacy Republicans are in the minority.

Nerfs see violence everywhere.  Their language is violent.  We’re under attack.  The country is under attack.  The Dems are coming for your guns.  Arm yourselves.  Carry your guns around.  Violent brown gang murderers are pouring across our borders.  Our cities are under siege.  Churches are under attack.  Black people are criminals.  It isn’t safe to walk the streets.  Antifascists are dangerous!  Teachers are dangerous!  Education is dangerous!  The Dems are dividing us!  Get your AR15s ready! 

I’m so woke, I’m awake!









[13] Trump:

[15] DeSantis:

[16] Excellent article:








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