Saturday, October 22, 2022

More than less than


(6 minute read)

            This week I"m going with a picture of a cute puppy for the picture at the top of the page.  People love puppies!  The puppy pictured is one that we rescued back in December 2020.  He ended up going to a good home.

            I started doing these posts back in 2014.  Some years I posted more than others.  I’m currently on track to making a grand total of 300 posts before the end of the year.  I’m guessing that could be around 500,000 words.  That would be 416 hours’ worth of reading.  Aren’t you glad that you kept up?

            What a week!  I’m going to end up covering more topics because so much has happened in the last few days.  Exciting and dangerous times.

            Have a good week if you can.  Agnosco diem!

A warning!

            At the end of this post I’m going to talk about a favorite Trump Republican slogan and by necessity will have to use a vulgar word a LOT.  The story header will be “Pearl clutching time.”

But first a story!

            I’m a retired factory worker.  I worked for an aerospace company.  One year we received a contract proposal from the company that called for a 2-tier wage structure.  It provided that new employees could be hired to work the same job for substantially less than what the company was paying current employees.  The contract passed.  People were willing to screw the people coming after them as long as they were taken care of.  The company designed their proposal to engage the worst of human nature.

Unsaying the saying.

            I have been saying that they’re (Republicans) saying they’re going to do this kind of stuff and now they’re saying again what I’ve been saying that they’re saying and then they end up denying that they’re saying.    My favorite excuse of their denying what they were saying is when they Trump explain what they were really saying even when it’s the opposite of what they were saying.

Just sayin’.

Cut Social Security and Medicare Alert!

In an interview with Punchbowl News Trump Republican House minority leader Kevin McCarthy indicated that he’s real worried about affording things like Social Security, Medicare and aid the Ukraine to mention just a few.[1]  This was not a problem when they approved 7 plus trillion for Trump.  It’s a concern for Trump Republicans when their rich benefactors don’t get the lion’s share of the funds.

Trump Republicans like McCarthy are evidently smelling midterm victory.  He has announced the power play concerning the debt ceiling that they will pull when they win the House in November.  (I really want to use the word “if” there but that doesn’t currently look like it will happen.)  This is what they did to President Obama back in 2011.[2]  They intend to ask for concessions and if they don’t get their way, they’re willing to crash the economy in a time of global inflation.  Several Trump Republicans have talked about cutting Social Security and Medicare.  They claim it’s a hard decision for them to make especially since half of them are millionaires.  They are chompin’ at the bit to bring chaos to our government yet again.

Now, it’s important to remember that Republicans claimed they put us on a path for fiscal responsibility back in 2011.  Obviously, they didn’t.  They also refused to raise taxes on the rich back them.  And they had another opportunity to do their cuts when Trump was President.

Now, they’re making their push.


            More big news on Trump is that he lied under oath on a court filing with his signature.[3]  The evidence was provided by his own lawyer!  There’s a surprise!  Really. A surprise.  He’s usually better insulated from getting caught committing any potentially illegal criminal act.  Being President made him more vulnerable because so many more people are involved like the butler that turned him over to the FBI[4] for obstructing justice. But he signed off on this illegal act.  His lawyer told him not to lie.  Trump lied anyway.

It's what Trump does.

Making Attorneys Get Attorneys

Trump loves to say Russia, Russia, Russia.  I wonder if Putin taught him that.  Remember Special Counsel John “Bull” Durham and the “single biggest crime in the history of our country” prosecution?[5]  He produced a 400 and some page report with implications that all sorts of nefarious activities had taken place.[6]  It has been a 3 year investigation so far.

Anyway, Durham’s investigation into the FBI Trump Russian Steele dossier was supposed to end up with the people that Trump hates going to jail.  Lots of people.  The Clintons.  Lawyers.  Obama.  Biden.  The FBI.  It was all supposed to be a big hoax and crime against Trump.  What happened?


Durham went to court twice in two cases and lost big time.[7]  The jury did deliberate 6 hours the first time and 9 hours the second.  That’s it.  It was a big old no to everything.  The defense didn’t even bother calling witnesses.  Oh, there was one lower-level FBI guy that messed up on a tangential charge, but he got off with a one-year probation.  The main accomplishment of Durham is that he outed a FBI informant. 

            All of this legal trouble for Trump is hitting at the midterms because his legal teams drug everything out through delay tactics.  Justice delayed is supposed to be justice denied.  In this instance,

Justice was served.

Pearl clutching time[8]

            Let’s get this over with. “Let’s go Brandon!”  What does it mean?  It means fuck Joe Biden.  MAGA Heads at a car race were misquoted by a reporter as to be chanting “let’s go Brandon,” the name of one of the race car drivers.  Only they weren’t.  They were chanting at an event that children attend, “FUCK JOE BIDEN!”[9]  Now I brought up bitty children because Trump Republicans are supposed to be big on Jesus.  I’ve watched videos of MAGA Heads giving interviews about the lack of morals that Dems have and how they’re appalled at what’s being taught in schools with not only “Let’s Go Brandon” on their shirts but just the straight ‘ol “Fuck Biden.” On their shirts.  In public. 

            In years past chanting fuck any President at a sports event by conservatives was unheard of especially during the time of hippies.  There was a lot of conservative pearl clutching then.  Everybody got over it.  Then there were some relatively quiet years.

            Then along came Trump and chaos went mainstream.  We hit some kind of saturation point on guns around the same time.  Now the country is steeping in violence along with threats of civil war.  Racism and antisemitism are on the upswing.  People spouting absolutely crazy theories are all over the place and there are millions of them.  These same millions are supporting a wanna’ be dictator so they can take over and rule with their lack of morality and respect for all of humanity.  Coming soon,

To a state near you.





[5] Fox News:

[6] Fox News:




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