Saturday, October 1, 2022

Until it’s them

Hurricane Sandy

(2 minute read)


            Hurricane Ian has devastated sections of Florida.  Lives have been irreparably destroyed; others will take years to come back.  The poor will be hit the hardest.  Governor DeSantis of Florida has requested federal assistance from President Biden.  This would be the same DeSantis that as a congressman in 2013 voted against hurricane relief for dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in New York and New Jersey.  So did 66 other Republicans.[i]  (The information was fact checked.)[ii]  No Democrats voted against authorizing the relief.

We see this time and time again from Republicans.  They oppose something until it turns out that it is something their constituents need.  Sometimes, not always, they take credit for things that they voted against.  So yeah, I’m going to talk about politics in the midst of a disaster.  This is the time to do that.  We have an example right before us about the need and expectation that a strong federal government will step in and help those in need.  The response from Gov DeSantis’ office is that they don’t have time for the pettiness of politics.

We also will see MAGA Republicans complain about the quality of service that they receive from the state and federal government.  We’ll probably see some Republicans oppose relief for Florida victims of hurricane Ian. 

They’re dependable.

Note:  I’ll write a big ‘ol YUP post if they do.


            Speaking of denying assistance to those in need, 49 House Republicans voted against helping veterans in need of finding food.[iii]  Most of the usual hypocritical favs voted against the Act.  The vast majority of these two-faced hypocrite MAGA Trumpers are going to get reelected this November regardless of how many times they vote against the interests of those that elect them. 

            They’re in safe districts.  No matter what Democrat runs against them Trump Republicans will vote for them.  Greene, Gohmert, Jordan, Brooks, Perry, Massie, Gosar, Scalise, Crenshaw, etc. don’t have to even break a sweat.  They have their campaign goals.  Impeach Biden because Dems impeached Trump. 

Vote for the well to do.
